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! style="text-align: center; width: 20%;" | '''Diamond'''
! style="text-align: center; width: 20%;" | '''Diamond'''
| style="text-align: center;" | https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_copper.png
| style="text-align: center;" | https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_copper.png |100px
| style="text-align: center;" | https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_silver.png
| style="text-align: center;" | https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_silver.png
| style="text-align: center;" | https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_gold.png
| style="text-align: center;" | https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/guild_battlegrounds/hud/guild_battlegrounds_league_gold.png

Revisión del 01:42 23 nov 2019

¿Qué son las Batallas de Gremios?

Guild battlegrounds backgroundmap rd6.png

Every 14 days, guilds will be matchmade into a battleground that lasts for 11 days. Those guilds fight for provinces on the map, as these generate victory points to become the best guild in the Battleground. Depending on your guild’s performance, it should move up or down in the league system, so moving up also means that the Battlegrounds will get even more challenging, as your guild will face more competitive rivals as it grows.

¿Cómo ingreso a las Batallas de Gremios?

Much like other Forge of Empires features, the access to Guild Battlegrounds will appear in your city. As soon as you are a guild member and you unlock the technology Military Tactics in the tech tree, you will gain access to this feature. Once unlocked you will see on the outskirts of your city, just next to your Cultural Settlements access point, you'll see a new structure.

Before unlocking After unlocking

Click on the Guild Battleground building to open the exciting new PvP feature!

¿Cómo puedo participar en un Campo de Batalla?

Each Battleground match will be formed by a map with 5-8 guilds that will battle each other for 11 consecutive days. Besides that, the map consists of a fixed number of provinces, where each guild will be initially placed at the edges with a province and an included HQ (the map distribution should provide as equitable distances as possible between guilds). These main provinces, in turn, can never be conquered by other guilds.


Upon completion of each battleground, there will be a 3-days break for the guilds to rest, collect their rewards and make new preparations. The guild score will then be updated, and its members will see if they have increased or dropped their progress in the League System.

Conquista Banderas - Atacando y Negociando

Guilds can only attack provinces which are adjacent to one of their own, and as soon as a guild begins attacking an adjacent province, a “conquest flag” will be displayed in the target province. Each action of the guild with the highest progress will increase the strength of the flag, until it is at full strength and the rival province gets taken over:


Subsequently, the conquered province will stay in a ‘lock down’ state for 4 hours, which means that no guild can progress their conquest flag further in that province. Only the flag of the guild with the most progress will be displayed in a province, but other guilds progressing on that province will be indicated by small colored shields next to the flag. Also, you can always check a detailed list of guilds as well as their progress by clicking it.


To contribute to a certain conquest flag, any guild member can tap on that province to bring up its window. Two options for earning points will be available there: Attack and negotiation. The enemy composition for the battle option, as well as the costs for the negotiation option, will depend on the attacking player's age. At the same time, negotiation provides more than one advance as it takes more time and resources to complete.

When a certain amount of advances is reached, the province will get taken over. The amount of advances needed depends on the league - higher leagues needing more advances.

League ->
Advances needed 40 70 100 130 160

As stated above, a province that was just taken will be under lock-down for four hours, giving the new owner some time to get victory points or build sector buildings. During lock-down, no other guild can progress their conquest flag further in that locked province.

Defendiendo Provincias

There is no means of directly defending the acquired provinces. The only way of defending your guild's provinces will be by trying to take the provinces of the attacking guild before they take yours. In this case, if the opposing guild loses all adjacent provinces they also lose all advances that they have made towards your province.

Tabla de Clasificación del Campo de Batalla

At all times, the guilds will see their amount of victory points within the feature. By clicking on this component, the Leaderboard will show all participating guilds of their current battleground group, listing the rankings, guild names, number of provinces they hold, current hourly gain of victory points, total of victory points and a reward preview for the given rank:

GBG Leaderboard.png

Puntos de Victoria

The Victory Points are particularly used to measure and count the points towards the current battleground, thus being reset every time you join a new round. Once per hour, each province that a guild holds will provide victory points. The provinces located towards the center of the map will be the ones providing the highest amount of victory points, so aim to acquire those!


Whenever a player successfully completes a battle or a negotiation (in the context of a Guild Battleground) they will build up Attrition. This is a percentage value that directly affects the (attack and defense) boosts of the defending armies and the difficulty level of the negotiations that the player will face.


So at some point, performing attacks or negotiating will become unfeasible as the defending armies become too strong and the negotiations become too complex or too expensive. However, attrition resets to 0% each day (midnight server time).

Attrition Level Defending Army Bonus Negotiation Multiplier
0 0% 1
1 2% 1
2 4% 1
3 6% 1
4 8% 1
5 10% 1
6 15% 2
7 20% 2
8 25% 2
9 30% 2
Attrition Level Defending Army Bonus Negotiation Multiplier
10 35% 2
11 40% 2
12 45% 2
13 50% 2
14 60% 3
15 70% 3
16 80% 3
17 90% 3
19 100% 3
19 120% 4
Attrition Level Defending Army Bonus Negotiation Multiplier
20 140% 4
21 160% 4
22 180% 4
23 200% 4
24 220% 5
25 240% 5
26 260% 5
27 280% 5
28 300% 5
29 320% 6
30 340% 6

If you're curious about the other data, you can take a look at the full table Attrition Table page.

Sistema de Ligas

To ensure that there’s no substantial difference between the participating guilds on each Battleground map, we will have a League System made up of five distinct league categories: Copper, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Newly arrived guilds will be positioned in the Copper league.

Copper Silver Gold Platinum Diamond
guild_battlegrounds_league_copper.png |100px guild_battlegrounds_league_silver.png guild_battlegrounds_league_gold.png guild_battlegrounds_league_platinum.png guild_battlegrounds_league_diamond.png

When the feature arrives, however, every existing guild will be given an initial league allocation. This should be calculated according to the average activity and members count per guild. The purpose is to start the feature with more appropriate battleground instances, while your actual performance within the feature will reflect your true league rank after a few seasons.

Edificios de Provincia

Btn guild battlegrounds buildings.png

En el mapa del Campo de Batalla, cada provincia puede tener entre 1 y 3 espacios en los que se pueden construir edificios. Todos pueden donar bienes a la tesorería del gremio para ayudar a pagar los costes, pero solo los miembros con el permiso de gremio especial ("Oficial de Campo de Batalla") puede mejorar los edificios en provincias de su gremio. Cada ‘fundador’ y ‘líder’ de un gremio obtendrá de forma automática este rol.

Solo las edades que están representadas en un gremio puede determinar los costes de los edificios de provincia (bienes de la tesorería). Estos edificios de provincia tienen un tiempo de construcción, y es posible cancelar o eliminar una construcción en cualquier momento para liberar un espacio para otro edificio. En estos casos, los recursos gastados no serán devueltos a la tesorería.
Cuando una provincia es conquistada por otro gremio, cada edificio (incluyendo los que están en construcción) tiene una posibilidad del 50% de ser destruido, y los que queden beneficiarán al nuevo dueño. Hay 9 edificios diferentes disponibles, así que asegúrate de elegir con cuidado.

Señuelos, Trampas y Torres de Vigilancia

3 Edificios originales de CdB. Si tus enemigos luchan/negocian en una provincia con trampas o señuelos, hay una probabilidad de obtener el doble de desgaste.

Edificio Nombre Propiedades Coste Tiempo de construcción Coste construcción inmediata
Guild battlegrounds sector buildings decoys-a7af7a7d0.png Señuelos Si un enemigo lucha o negocia para conquistar esta provincia, hay una posibilidad del 15% que el enemigo sufra el doble de desgaste. 500 Icon guild goods.png 4:00:00 50 Premium-3c0dba348.png
Guild battlegrounds sector buildings traps-8caf5730f.png Trampas Si un enemigo lucha o negocia para conquistar esta provincia, hay una posibilidad del 45% que el enemigo sufra el doble de desgaste. 3,000 Icon guild goods.png 5:00:00 50 Premium-3c0dba348.png
Guild battlegrounds sector buildings watchtower-879aed4e2.png Torre de vigilancia' Si los miembros de un gremio con este edificio en una provincia avanzan en provincias adyacentes, tienen un 8% de posibilidad de no aumentar su nivel de desgaste. 500 Icon guild goods.png 1:00:00 50 Premium-3c0dba348.png

Campamentos de gremio

Estos edificios sólo pueden ser construidos en la provincia base o de salida y proporcionan entre 26-80% de probabilidad de reducir el aumento de desgaste (solo en las provincias adyacentes). Todas las provincias generan 25-100% más de Puntos de victoria. Cada provincia base tendrá un único espacio para construir.

Las provincias base o de salida no pueden ser conquistadas por otros gremios.

Edificio Nombre Propiedades Situación Coste Tiempo de construcción Coste construcción inmediata
ImprovisedGuildFieldcamp.png Campamento improvisado de gremio Si los miembros del gremio propietario de esta provincia avanzan hacia provincias adyacentes, tendrán una probabilidad del 26% de no incrementar su nivel de desgaste. Tu gremio genera 25% más de puntos de victoria. Provincia base. 25000 Icon guild goods.png 6:00:00 100 Premium-3c0dba348.png
Fieldcamp1.png Campamento de gremio Si los miembros del gremio propietario de esta provincia avanzan hacia provincias adyacentes, tendrán una probabilidad del 52% de no incrementar su nivel de desgaste. Tu gremio genera 50% más de puntos de victoria. Provincia base. 40000 Icon guild goods.png 12:00:00 180 Premium-3c0dba348.png
FortifiedGuildFieldcamp.png Campamento fortificado del gremio Si los miembros del gremio propietario de esta provincia avanzan hacia provincias adyacentes, tendrán una probabilidad del 80% de no incrementar su nivel de desgaste. Tu gremio genera 100% más de puntos de victoria. Provincia base. 75000 Icon guild goods.png 24:00:00 250 Premium-3c0dba348.png


Estos edificios se podrán construir en cualquier provincia excepto la base y proporciona 20-60% de reducción de probabilidad de sufrir desgaste (sólo provincias adyacentes). Esta provincia también requerirá 5-30% más de avances para ser conquistada

Edificio Nombre Propiedades Situación Coste Tiempo de construcción Coste construcción inmediata
ImprovisedBaracks.png Barracones improvisados
  • 20% probabilidad de no obtener desgaste (solo provincias adyacentes)
  • Esta provincia requiere +5% avances para ser conquistada
Cualquier espacio de construcción, excepto provincia base 2800 Icon guild goods.png 02:00:00 50 Premium-3c0dba348.png
Barracks.png Barracones
  • 40% probabilidad de no obtener desgaste (solo provincias adyacentes)
  • Esta provincia requiere +10% avances para ser conquistada
Cualquier espacio de construcción, excepto provincia base 5000 Icon guild goods.png 02:30:00 90 Premium-3c0dba348.png
FortifiedGuildFieldcamp.png Barracones fortificados
  • 60% probabilidad de no obtener desgaste (solo provincias adyacentes)
  • Esta provincia requiere +30% avances para ser conquistada
Cualquier espacio de construcción, excepto provincia base 6800 Icon guild goods.png 03:00:00 125Premium-3c0dba348.png

Puesto de mando del gremio

El Puesto de mando del gremio aporta 20-60% reducción de la probabilidad de obtener desgaste (solo provincias adyacentes) y también requiere 5-30% más de avances para ser conquistada y puede generar 15-100% más de puntos de victoria cada hora.

Edificio Nombre Propiedades Situación Coste Tiempo de construcción Coste construcción inmediata
ImprovisedGuildCommandPost.png Puesto de mando improvisado del gremio Si los miembros del gremio propietario de esta provincia avanzan hacia provincias adyacentes, tendrán una probabilidad del 26% de no incrementar su nivel de desgaste. Tu gremio genera 25% más de puntos de victoria. Cualquier espacio de construcción, excepto provincia base 2900 Icon guild goods.png 2:00:00 50 Premium-3c0dba348.png
ForwardGuildCommandPost.png Puesto de mando avanzado del gremio
  • 40% probabilidad de no obtener desgaste (solo provincias adyacentes)
  • Esta provincia requiere +10% avances para ser conquistada
  • Esta provincia genera 30% más de puntos de victoria.
Cualquier espacio de construcción, excepto provincia base 5200 Icon guild goods.png 2:30:00 90 Premium-3c0dba348.png
FortifiedGuildCommandpost.png Puesto de mando fortificado del gremio
  • 60% probabilidad de no obtener desgaste (solo provincias adyacentes)
  • Esta provincia requiere +30% avances para ser conquistada
  • Esta provincia genera 100% más de puntos de victoria.
Cualquier espacio de construcción, excepto provincia base 7000 Icon guild goods.png 3:00:00 125 Premium-3c0dba348.png


You can obtain immediate, temporary and permanent rewards in the Battlegrounds. There's a chance to obtain Forge Points, units, attackers boosts, goods, diamonds and fragments for the Statue of Honor after each fight or negotiation. The magnitude of these rewards depends on your league! Your guild should gain temporary prestige points according to its current league, but keep in mind that you can also lose them likewise when dropping in the league. Lastly, we also have permanent rewards for you and your guild: Guilds can get guild power according to their placement withing a battleground (the amount also scales according to the league), and simultaneously you can get fragments for the Statue of Honor Selection Kit.


Note: 50% of the time, the immediate reward will be one fragment for the Statue of Honor Selection kit.

Statue of Honor - Lv. 1 Statue of Honor - Lv. 2 Statue of Honor - Lv. 3 Statue of Honor - Lv. 4 Statue of Honor - Lv. 5

Recompensas de Gremio

When a battleground ends, guilds may obtain various rewards which depend on placement:

  • Prestige according to current league and placement;
  • Guild Power according to placement within a battleground
  • Fragments of the Statue of Honor


13 54,600 39 163,800 65 273,000 91 382.200 130 546.000
12 47.900 35 143,500 57 239,000 80 334,800 114 478,200
11 43,300 31 129,700 52 216,100 73 302,600 103 432,200
10 40,800 30 122,300 49 203,000 68 285,200 97 407,400
10 40,400 29 121,000 48 201,600 68 282,300 96 403,200
10 39,900 29 119,700 48 199,000 67 279,300 95 399,000
10 39,500 28 118,500 47 197,400 66 276,400 94 394,800
10 39,100 28 117,200 47 195,300 66 273,500 93 390,600

Individual Rewards

Apart from rewards for your guild, there are also individual rewards, whenever you contribute by fighting or negotiating, there is a chance to win some Forge Points, Goods, a military unit, attacker boost or even Diamonds.