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<center><font color=#FE9A2E>'¡Defensa! ¡Defensa! ¡Derriben!'
<center><font color=#FE9A2E>'Can the reigning champions InnoForgers overcome the formidable <br>ElveNarwhals in a game for the ages?!'
[[File:Allage_bowl_cal_large_300px.png|Cal|left]]<br> __TOC__<br><br>
[[File:Allage_bowl_cal_large_300px.png|Cal|left]]<br> __TOC__<br><br>
==¿Cómo puedo participar en el evento?==
[[File:ForgeBowlHUD.png|left|link=]] ¡Los InnoForgers hacen un triunfal regreso! Cal Rogers se nos une este año nuevamente, para ayudar a su equipo, los InnoForgers, ¡a la victoria en el Forge Bowl de este año!
==How can I participate in the Forge Bowl?==
[[File:ForgeBowlHUD.png|center|link=]] <br>The InnoForgers make their triumphant return! Cal Rogers joins us once again, to lead his team, the InnoForgers, to victory in the football championship! As soon as the Forge Bowl has started, you can access the event window in top left corner to score touchdowns for your team. Listen to Cal Rogers to make progress in this year’s questline. You’ll be able to complete 35 rush quests immediately, and receive another 20 quests on a daily basis. For each completed quest you'll receive footballs in return.
Use the footballs to choose a play and help our offense score! Different plays have different rewards, and help you advance further down the field.
Completa misiones y obtén balones a cambio. ¡Utiliza los balones para elegir una jugada y ayudar a nuestra ofensiva! Diferentes jugadas tienen diferentes recompensas y les ayudarán a avanzar en el campo.
Your goal is to reach the end zone and score a touchdown giving you the opportunity to win the coveted Touchdown Reward. You'll need to move 80 yards in order to score a touchdown. Push your opponents down field towards your prize. To accomplish this feat, you will have to choose the best tactic to advance.
Su meta es alcanzar la zona final y anotar un touchdown, dándoles la oportunidad de ganar la recompensa correspondiente. Muevan a su equipo a través de las 80 yardas para anotar un touchdown, empujando a sus oponentes a través del campo para obtener su premio. Para cumplir con esto, ¡se necesita de una buena táctica! Elijan la mejor táctica para avanzar, mientras ganan fabulosos premios al mismo tiempo.
To start the game, select a player from the field and advance towards touchdown line. Each player gives you a different reward for choosing him, and each play requires footballs, which you earn via quests. You will also get a free event currency quest per day to receive additional Footballs. Last but not least you will be able to find a few footballs in the incidents around your city.
Para comenzar el juego, elijan un jugador en el campo para avanzar hacia la zona final. Cada jugador les dará una recompensa diferente por elegirlo, y cada jugada requiere balones, que ganarán a través de las misiones. Podrán completar 30 misiones inmediatamente, y después recibirán una misión por día hasta el final del evento.  
== Coaches ==
To help you succeed in the Forge Bowl you will have the assistance of five well-prepared coaches.
===Ranking de la Liga===
En el evento de Forge Bowl de este año, también habrá una tabla con la Liga. Por cada yarda que avances, tu rango en la Liga progresará. ¡A mejor ranking mejores premios! Al final del evento, recibirás recompensas adicionales especiales basadas en tu ranking. ¡Definitivamente vale la pena tratar de obtener un mayor rango para ganar acceso a las grandiosas recompensas extra!
It's possible to add a coach by clicking in the '+' button in the top left corner. Upon opening the coaches' clipboard, you can select a coach who best suits your current '''tactic's'''. There are four free-coaches, and depending on your choice, you'll have different advantages based on your plays. There's also a premium coach who provides all these advantages combined. After activating him, your coach will available for 24 hours, however, the coahces also have a cooldown timer before they can be used again (except for the coaches 1 & 5). You can also reset the cooldown immediately with Diamonds.
Las ligas son divididas en porcentajes con los jugadores de todo el mundo. La liga Amateur será el top 50%, la liga de Bronce será el top 25%, la liga de Plata el top 5% y la liga Oro será el top 1% de todos los jugadores en tu mundo.
{| style="width: 100%;"
Conforme otros jugadores progresan en la Liga, es posible que caigas en el ranking, especialmente cuando muchos jugadores juegan el evento al mismo tiempo. Por tal motivo, asegúrate de revisar regularmente en qué lugar te encuentras. Al final del evento, recibirás un mensaje con el resumen de tu posición en el ranking.
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;" | Coaches
====Recompensas de la Liga====
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Boost
Cada nivel en la Liga ofrece diferentes recompensas en el Forge Bowl. Las recompensas solo se entregan al final del evento.<br>
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Cost
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Time active
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Cooldown
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Cooldown Cost
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.2.png|100px|center]]Default Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Provides a small chance to double chest-rewards<br>
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
| style="text-align:center;" | Event
| style="text-align:center;" | 00:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.3.png|100px|center]]Progress Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|This coach grants extra yard progress for each play<br>
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
| style="text-align:center;" | Up to 24 hours
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png]] 50
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach2.6.png|100px|center]]Special Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Grants more chances to win the Daily Special<br>
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | Free
| style="text-align:center;" | Up to 24 hours
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png]] 50
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.4.png|100px|center]]League Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Double the points earned towards the League Table<br>
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
| style="text-align:center;" | Up to 24 hours
| style="text-align:center;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png]] 50
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.5.png|100px|center]]Diamond Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Provides the bonuses of all the Coaches together!<br>
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png]] 150
| style="text-align:center;" | Up to 24 hours
| style="text-align:center;" | 00:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
===League Ranking===
Just like a real life sporting event, Forge Bowl has its own League Table! For every yard you move forward, your rank in the League will progress. With higher ranking comes greater rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your ranking. It's definitely worth trying to aim for a higher rank to gain access to some awesome extra rewards!
[[File:League system.png|center|700px|link=]]<br>
====League Rewards====
The leagues are split by a percentage of all players on the world. The Amateur League will be the Top 50%, the Bronze League will be the Top 20%, Silver has the Top 5% and Gold is the Top 1% of all players on your world.
As other players progress in the League, it is possible that you fall in your rankings, especially when many players play the event at the same time. As such, make sure to check your standings regularly. At the end of the event, you will get a message summarizing your position in the ranking.
Every rank in the League offers you different rewards in the Forge Bowl. The rewards will only be given, at the end of the event.<br>
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:league_forge_bowl_hobby_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Rookie Reward]]Liga Novato<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:league_forge_bowl_hobby_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Rookie Reward]]Rookie League<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_amateur_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Amateur Reward]]Liga Amateur<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_amateur_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Amateur Reward]]Amateur League<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_bronze_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Bronze Reward]]Liga de Bronce<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_bronze_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Bronze Reward]]Bronze League<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 10 Puntos Forge<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 10 [[Forge Points]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 20 Puntos Forge<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 20 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 50 Puntos Forge<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 50 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20a.png|25px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 1<br>
[[File:Upgrade_kit_colossus.png|35px|link=]] 1 Kit de mejora del Coloso<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_silver_cup.png|120px|center|link=|Silver Reward]]Liga de Plata<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_silver_cup.png|120px|center|link=|Silver Reward]]Silver League<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 100 Puntos Forge<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 100 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>
[[File:Upgrade_kit_colossus.png|45px|link=]] 2 kits de mejora del Coloso<br>
[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20b.png|35px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 2<br>
[[File:upgrade_kit_olympic_treasury.png|45px|link=]] 1 Olympic Treasury Upgrade Kits<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_gold_cup.png|130px|center|link=|Gold Reward]]Liga Oro
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_gold_cup.png|130px|center|link=|Gold Reward]]Gold League
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|<br>[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 200 Puntos Forge<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
[[File:Upgrade_kit_colossus.png|45px|link=]] 2 Kits de mejora del Coloso<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|<br>[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 200 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>
[[File:Shrine of Knowledge.png|link=Shrine of Knowledge|35px]] 1 [[Santuario del Conocimiento]]<br>[[File:Portrait 308.png|link=|25px]] 1 Campeón del Forge Bowl<br>
[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20b.png|35px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 2<br>
[[File:upgrade_kit_olympic_treasury.png|45px|link=]] 2 Olympic Treasury Upgrade Kits<br>
[[File:Portrait 351.png|link=|25px]] 1 Cal Rodgers Portrait<br>
===Serie de Misiones del Forge Bowl===
===Forge Bowl Questline===
Hay 50 misiones en total para completar y obtener todas las recompensas y balones en este evento. Cada misión completada contribuye en el contador en la parte inferior de la ventana de misiones, y desbloquearán nuevos premios con 10, 20, 30, 40 y 5 misiones.<br>
There are 55 quests in total to complete and aid you in your progress towards getting all rewards and Footballs for this event! Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window, and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 15, 25, 40 & 55 quests!<br>
==Recompensas del Forge Bowl==
==Forge Bowl Rewards==
===Olympic Treasury===
El evento de este año les brinda la oportunidad de mostrar su progreso en el campeonato con un nuevo edificio, el Coloso. ¡Trae este fantástico edificio a tu ciudad y subelo de nivel con los kits de mejora!
This year, Forge Bowl brings you the opportunity to show off your progress in the championship with an exciting new building,  The Olympic Treasury. This is an upgradable 4x5 residential building with 10 levels! Once upgraded to level 10 it will provide you a Defense Boost to your attacking armies, Forge Points, Goods, Coins and Supplies.
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19a.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 1]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20a.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 1]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19b.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 2]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20b.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 2]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19c.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 3]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20c.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 3]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19d.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 4]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20d.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 4]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19e.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 5]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20e.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 5]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19f.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 6]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20f.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 6]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19g.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 7]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20g.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 7]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19h.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 8]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20h.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 8]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19i.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 9]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20i.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 9]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;" colspan="3"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19i.png}}<br>[[Coloso - Nvl. 10]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;" colspan="3"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20i.png}}<br>[[Olympic Treasury - Lv. 10]]<br>
El Coloso nivel 1 puede ser encontrado como una de las primeras recompensas de la serie de misiones, y posteriormente puede ser mejorado con los kits de mejora del Coloso, que se pueden ganar en la serie de misiones y en la ventana principal del evento.
A Level 1 Olympic Treasury can be found as one of the first rewards of the questline and can then be upgraded using Olympic Treasury Upgrade Kits, which can be won in the questline and the main event window.
|style="vertical-align:bottom;"|[[File:Upgrade kit olympic treasury.png|center|300px|link=]]
===Avatares del Forge Bowl===
===New Forge Bowl Avatars===
Hay dos avatares que se pueden obtener durante la serie de misiones del Forge Bowl.<br><br>
There are two avatars which can be obtained during the Forge Bowl questline.<br><br>
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| [[file:Portrait_309.png|link=|Forge Bowl Reporter]] Reportera del Forge Bowl
| [[file:Portraits FB20.png|link=|center|Forge Bowl Reporter]]
| [[file:Portrait_308.png|link=|Forge Bowl Champion]] Campeón del Forge Bowl
===Other Forge Bowl Buildings===
The Sentinel Outpost is a brand new 1x1 building, which provides you a defense boost for your attacking armies. This building will also be upgradable to level 2 using a sentinel outpost upgrade kit.
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|100px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20a.png}}<br>[[Sentinel Outpost - Lv. 1]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|link=|100px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/shared/icons/reward_icons/reward_icon_upgrade_kit_sentinel_outpost.png}}<br>Sentinel Outpost - Upgrade kit
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|100px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20b.png}}<br>[[Sentinel Outpost - Lv. 2]]<br>
Buildings from previous forge bowls will also be available -  The Colossus, Tholos of Idols and Classical Garden Set
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19j.png}}<br>[[The Colossus]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus18j.png}}<br>[[Tholos of Idols]]<br>
===Nuevos Edificios de Forge Bowl===
El evento también trae grandiosos nuevos edificios del set del Jardín Clásico. Hay tres items en este set, y funcionan como los otros [[Edificios de Set]]. Recuerda colocarlos de manera adyacente uno con otro para maximizar las recompensas disponibles.
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/A_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Piscina de Jardín Clásico]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/A_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Classical Garden Pool]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Patio de Jardín Clásico]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Classical Garden Patio]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foees.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Estatuas de Jardín Clásico]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Classical Garden Statues]]<br>

Revisión del 22:26 17 ene 2020


'Can the reigning champions InnoForgers overcome the formidable
ElveNarwhals in a game for the ages?!'


How can I participate in the Forge Bowl?


The InnoForgers make their triumphant return! Cal Rogers joins us once again, to lead his team, the InnoForgers, to victory in the football championship! As soon as the Forge Bowl has started, you can access the event window in top left corner to score touchdowns for your team. Listen to Cal Rogers to make progress in this year’s questline. You’ll be able to complete 35 rush quests immediately, and receive another 20 quests on a daily basis. For each completed quest you'll receive footballs in return.

Use the footballs to choose a play and help our offense score! Different plays have different rewards, and help you advance further down the field.

Your goal is to reach the end zone and score a touchdown giving you the opportunity to win the coveted Touchdown Reward. You'll need to move 80 yards in order to score a touchdown. Push your opponents down field towards your prize. To accomplish this feat, you will have to choose the best tactic to advance.


To start the game, select a player from the field and advance towards touchdown line. Each player gives you a different reward for choosing him, and each play requires footballs, which you earn via quests. You will also get a free event currency quest per day to receive additional Footballs. Last but not least you will be able to find a few footballs in the incidents around your city.


To help you succeed in the Forge Bowl you will have the assistance of five well-prepared coaches.

It's possible to add a coach by clicking in the '+' button in the top left corner. Upon opening the coaches' clipboard, you can select a coach who best suits your current tactic's. There are four free-coaches, and depending on your choice, you'll have different advantages based on your plays. There's also a premium coach who provides all these advantages combined. After activating him, your coach will available for 24 hours, however, the coahces also have a cooldown timer before they can be used again (except for the coaches 1 & 5). You can also reset the cooldown immediately with Diamonds.

Coaches Boost Cost Time active Cooldown Cooldown Cost
Coach 2.2.png
Default Coach
Provides a small chance to double chest-rewards
Free Event 00:00H Free
Coach 2.3.png
Progress Coach
This coach grants extra yard progress for each play
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Special Coach
Grants more chances to win the Daily Special
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Coach 2.4.png
League Coach
Double the points earned towards the League Table
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Coach 2.5.png
Diamond Coach
Provides the bonuses of all the Coaches together!
Icon diamonds.png 150 Up to 24 hours 00:00H Free

League Ranking

Just like a real life sporting event, Forge Bowl has its own League Table! For every yard you move forward, your rank in the League will progress. With higher ranking comes greater rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your ranking. It's definitely worth trying to aim for a higher rank to gain access to some awesome extra rewards!

League system.png

League Rewards

The leagues are split by a percentage of all players on the world. The Amateur League will be the Top 50%, the Bronze League will be the Top 20%, Silver has the Top 5% and Gold is the Top 1% of all players on your world.

As other players progress in the League, it is possible that you fall in your rankings, especially when many players play the event at the same time. As such, make sure to check your standings regularly. At the end of the event, you will get a message summarizing your position in the ranking.

Every rank in the League offers you different rewards in the Forge Bowl. The rewards will only be given, at the end of the event.

Rookie Reward
Rookie League
Amateur Reward
Amateur League
Bronze Reward
Bronze League
Small fp.png 10 Forge Points
Small fp.png 20 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Small fp.png 50 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
T SS AllAge SportBonus20a.png 1 sentinel lvl. 1
Silver Reward
Silver League
Small fp.png 100 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20b.png 1 sentinel lvl. 2
Upgrade kit olympic treasury.png 1 Olympic Treasury Upgrade Kits

Gold Reward
Gold League

Small fp.png 200 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20b.png 1 sentinel lvl. 2
Upgrade kit olympic treasury.png 2 Olympic Treasury Upgrade Kits
Portrait 351.png 1 Cal Rodgers Portrait

Forge Bowl Questline

There are 55 quests in total to complete and aid you in your progress towards getting all rewards and Footballs for this event! Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window, and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 15, 25, 40 & 55 quests!


Forge Bowl Rewards

Olympic Treasury

This year, Forge Bowl brings you the opportunity to show off your progress in the championship with an exciting new building, The Olympic Treasury. This is an upgradable 4x5 residential building with 10 levels! Once upgraded to level 10 it will provide you a Defense Boost to your attacking armies, Forge Points, Goods, Coins and Supplies.

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 1

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 2

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 3

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 4

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 5

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 6

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 7

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 8

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 9

Olympic Treasury - Lv. 10

A Level 1 Olympic Treasury can be found as one of the first rewards of the questline and can then be upgraded using Olympic Treasury Upgrade Kits, which can be won in the questline and the main event window.

Upgrade kit olympic treasury.png

New Forge Bowl Avatars

There are two avatars which can be obtained during the Forge Bowl questline.

Forge Bowl Reporter

Other Forge Bowl Buildings

The Sentinel Outpost is a brand new 1x1 building, which provides you a defense boost for your attacking armies. This building will also be upgradable to level 2 using a sentinel outpost upgrade kit.

Sentinel Outpost - Lv. 1

Sentinel Outpost - Upgrade kit

Sentinel Outpost - Lv. 2

Buildings from previous forge bowls will also be available - The Colossus, Tholos of Idols and Classical Garden Set

The Colossus

Tholos of Idols

Classical Garden Pool

Classical Garden Patio

Classical Garden Statues