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<center><font color=#FE9A2E>'¡¿Podrán los actuales campeones, los InnoForgers vencer a los formidables
<center><font color=#FE9A2E>Our famous quarterback Cal Rogers makes his return with the InnoForgers team to participate in this year's Forge Bowl!
ElveNarwhals en un encuentro alucinante?!'
[[File:Allage_bowl_cal_large_300px.png|Cal|left]]<br> __TOC__<br><br>
[[File:Allage_bowl_cal_large_300px.png|link=|Cal|left]]<br> __TOC__<br><br>
==¿Cómo puedo participar en el Forge Bowl?==
==How can I participate in the Forge Bowl?==
[[File:ForgeBowlHUD.png|center|link=]] <br>¡Los InnoForgers hacen su regreso triunfal! ¡Cal Rogers nuevamente lidera a su equipo, los InnoForgers, a la victoria en el campeonato de fútbol americano! Tan pronto como el Forge Bowl haya comenzado, se podrá acceder a la ventana del evento en la parte superior izquierda para realizar anotaciones para el equipo. Escuchen a Cal Rogers para progresar en la serie de misiones de este año. Podrán completar 35 misiones rápidas y recibirán otras 20 misiones, una al día. Por cada misión completada recibirán pelotas/balones a cambio.
[[File:ForgeBowlHUD2.png|center|link=]] <br>The InnoForgers make their triumphant return! Cal Rogers joins us once again, to lead his team, the InnoForgers, to victory in the football championship! As soon as the Forge Bowl has started, you can access the event window in top left corner to score touchdowns for your team. Listen to Cal Rogers to make progress in this year’s questline. You’ll be able to complete 35 rush quests immediately, and receive another 20 quests on a daily basis. For each completed quest you'll receive footballs in return.
¡Usen pelotas/balones para elegir una jugada y ayudar a su ofensa a realizar una anotación! Diferentes jugadas tienen diferentes recompensas, y ayudará a que avancen más hacia el fondo del campo.
Use the footballs to choose a play and help our offense score! Different plays have different rewards, and help you advance further down the field.
La meta es alcanzar la zona final y realizar una anotación, lo que les dará la oportunidad de ganar la Recompensa de Anotación. Deberán avanzar 80 yardas para realizar una anotación. Aplasten a sus oponentes en el campo y lleguen a la recompensa. Para lograr esto, deberán elegir la mejor táctica para avanzar.
Your goal is to reach the end zone and score a touchdown giving you the opportunity to win the coveted Touchdown Reward. You'll need to move 80 yards in order to score a touchdown. Push your opponents down field towards your prize. To accomplish this feat, you will have to choose the best tactic to advance.
Para comenzar el juego, seleccionen un jugador del campo y avancen hacia la línea de anotación. Cada jugador les dará una recompensa diferente por elegirle, y cada jugada requiere pelotas/balones, que ganarán en las misiones. También obtendrán pelotas/balones gratis cada día por ingresar al juego. Por último pero no menos importante, también podrían encontrar algunas pelotas/balones en los incidentes al rededor de la ciudad.
To start the game, select a player from the field and advance towards touchdown line. Each player gives you a different reward for choosing him, and each play requires footballs, which you earn via quests. You will also get a free event currency quest per day to receive additional Footballs. Last but not least you will be able to find a few footballs in the incidents around your city.
== Entrenadores ==
== Coaches ==
Para ayudarles a ganar el Forge Bowl, tendrán la asistencia de cinco entrenadores.
Just like last year, you will have the assistance of five well-prepared coaches. You can change your current coach by clicking his portrait in the the top left corner. Upon opening the coaches' clipboard, you'll be able to select a coach who suits your current tactics best. There are four volunteer coaches, and each of them provides different advantages as you make progress to a touchdown. There's also the professional Ultimate Coach, who provides all these advantages combined . The Default Coach is your initial coach, and he will stay with you for however long you wish. If you prefer to choose another coach, they will work for you for up to 24 hours (buy you can dismiss them earlier), after which they will take a 24 hour break during which they cannot be rehired. If you really want to though, they will rejoin you earlier for a small fee. This cooldown does not apply to the Default Coach and the Ultimate Coach.
Es posible añadir un entrenador haciendo clic en el botón '+' en la esquina superior izquierda. Al abrir el tablero de entrenadores, podrán seleccionar un entrenador que se adecue mejor a su táctica actual. Habrá cuatro entrenadores gratis, y dependiendo de su elección, tendrán diferentes ventajas basado en sus jugadas. También habrá un entrenador premium que les dará todas las ventajas combinadas. Luego de activarlo, el entrenador estará disponible por 24 horas, pero también tendrán un tiempo de espera antes que puedan ser seleccionados nuevamente (excepto por los entrenadores 1 y 5). También podrán reiniciar la espera de forma inmediata con Diamantes.
{| style="width: 100%;"
{| style="width: 100%;"
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;" | Entrenadores
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;" | Coaches
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Mejora
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Boost
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Costo
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Cost
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Tiempo activo
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Time active
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Espera
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Cooldown
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Costo de Espera
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;" | Cooldown Cost
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.2.png|100px|center]]Entrenador por Defecto<br>  
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.2.png|100px|link=|center]]Default Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Provee una pequeña posibilidad de duplicar las recompensas de los cofres<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Provides a small chance to double a play reward​<br>
| style="text-align:center;" | Gratis
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
| style="text-align:center;" | Evento
| style="text-align:center;" | Event
| style="text-align:center;" | 00:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | 00:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | Gratis
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.3.png|100px|center]]Entrenador de Progreso<br>
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color:#003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.3.png|100px|link=|center]]Progress Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Este entrenador provee progreso adicional de yardas por cada jugada<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|This coach grants extra yard progress for each play​<br>
| style="text-align:center;" | Gratis
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
| style="text-align:center;" | Hasta 24 horas
| style="text-align:center;" | Up to 24 hours
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png]] 50
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png|link=|]] 50
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach2.6.png|100px|center]]Entrenador Especial
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach2.6.png|100px|link=|center]]Special Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Increases the chance of winning the Daily Special​<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Garantiza más posibilidades de ganar el Especial del Día<br>
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | Free
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | Gratis
| style="text-align:center;" | Up to 24 hours
| style="text-align:center;" | Hasta 24 horas
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png]] 50
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png|link=|]] 50
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.4.png|100px|center]]Entrenador de Liga<br>
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.4.png|100px|link=|center]]League Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Duplica los puntos ganados hacia la Liga<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Doubles the points earned towards the League Table​<br>
| style="text-align:center;" | Gratis
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
| style="text-align:center;" | Hasta 24 horas
| style="text-align:center;" | Up to 24 hours
| style="text-align:center;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | 24:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png]] 50
| style="text-align:center;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png|link=|]] 50
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.5.png|100px|center]]Entrenador Diamante<br>
| style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; background-color: #003366;"|[[File:Coach 2.5.png|100px|link=|center]]Ultimate Coach<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|¡Provee todas las bonificaciones de todos los Entrenadores!<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|Provides the bonuses of all the Coaches together​<br>
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png]] 150
| style="text-align:center; #003366;" | [[File:icon_diamonds.png|link=|]] 150
| style="text-align:center;" | Hasta 24 horas
| style="text-align:center;" | Up to 24 hours
| style="text-align:center;" | 00:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | 00:00H
| style="text-align:center;" | Gratis
| style="text-align:center;" | Free
===Ranking de la Liga===
===League Ranking===
¡Al igual que todo evento deportivo en la vida real, el Forge Bowl también tiene su propia Liga! Por cada yarda que avanzan, su rango en la Liga progresará. ¡Con un mayor ranking vendrán mejores recompensas! Al final del evento, recibirán recompensas adicionales especiales basado en su ranking. ¡Ciertamente vale la pena apuntar a un rango alto para acceder a recompensas adicionales fantásticas!
Just like a real life sporting event, Forge Bowl has its own League Table! For every yard you move forward, your rank in the League will progress. With higher ranking comes greater rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your ranking. It's definitely worth trying to aim for a higher rank to gain access to some awesome extra rewards!
[[File:League system.png|center|700px|link=]]<br>
[[File:League system.png|center|700px|link=]]<br>
====Recompensas de Liga====
====League Rewards====
Las ligas están separadas según un porcentaje de todos los jugadores en el mundo. La Liga Amateur tendrá al 50%, la Liga Bronce tendrá al top 20%, Plata tiene al Top 5% y Oro al Top 1% de todos los jugadores en el mundo.
The leagues are split by a percentage of all players on the world. The Amateur League will be the Top 50%, the Bronze League will be the Top 25%, Silver has the Top 5% and Gold is the Top 1% of all players on your world.
A medida que otros jugadores progresan en la Liga, es posible que caigan en el ranking, especialmente si muchos jugadores juegan al evento al mismo tiempo. Por ello, recomendamos que estén siempre al tanto de la liga. Al final del evento, obtendrán un mensaje notificando su liga.
As other players progress in the League, it is possible that you fall in your rankings, especially when many players play the event at the same time. As such, make sure to check your standings regularly. At the end of the event, you will get a message summarizing your position in the ranking.
Cada rango en la liga ofrece diferentes recompensas en el Forge Bowl. Las recompensas serán entregadas al final del evento.<br>
Every rank in the League offers you different rewards in the Forge Bowl. The rewards will only be given, at the end of the event.<br>
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:league_forge_bowl_hobby_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Rookie Reward]]Liga Novatos<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:league_forge_bowl_hobby_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Rookie Reward]]Rookie League<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_amateur_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Amateur Reward]]Liga Amateur<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_amateur_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Amateur Reward]]Amateur League<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_bronze_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Bronze Reward]]Liga Bronce<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_bronze_cup.png|100px|center|link=|Bronze Reward]]Bronze League<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 10 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 10 [[Forge Points]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 20 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 20 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 50 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20a.png|25px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 1<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 50 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20a.png|25px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 1<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_silver_cup.png|120px|center|link=|Silver Reward]]Silver League<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_silver_cup.png|120px|center|link=|Silver Reward]]Silver League<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 100 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 100 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>
[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20b.png|35px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 2<br>
[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20b.png|35px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 2<br>
[[File:upgrade_kit_olympic_treasury.png|45px|link=]] 1 Olympic Treasury Upgrade Kits<br>
[[File:Selection_kit.png|45px|link=]] 1 Terracotta Vineyard Selection Kits<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_gold_cup.png|130px|center|link=|Gold Reward]]Gold League
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|[[File:league_forge_bowl_gold_cup.png|130px|center|link=|Gold Reward]]Gold League
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|<br>[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 200 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="3"|<br>[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 200 [[Forge Points]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 One Up Kit<br>
[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20b.png|35px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 2<br>
[[File:T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20b.png|35px|link=]] 1 sentinel lvl. 2<br>
[[File:upgrade_kit_olympic_treasury.png|45px|link=]] 2 Olympic Treasury Upgrade Kits<br>
[[File:Selection_kit.png|45px|link=]] 2 Terracotta Vineyard Selection Kits<br>
[[File:Portrait 351.png|link=|25px]] 1 Cal Rodgers Portrait<br>
[[File:Stephanie_portrait.png|link=|25px]] 1 Stephanie Portrait<br>
===Serie de Misiones del Forge Bowl===
===Forge Bowl Questline===
¡Hay 55 misiones en total para completar y ayudarles a progresar para obtener todas las recompensas y Pelotas/Balones para el Evento! ¡Cada misión completada contribuye al contador en la parte inferior de la ventana de misiones, y desbloquearán nuevos premios a las 5, 15, 25, 40 y 55 misiones!<br>
There are 55 quests in total to complete and aid you in your progress towards getting all rewards and Footballs for this event! Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window, and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 15, 25, 40 & 55 quests!<br>
==Recompensas del Forge Bowl==
==Forge Bowl Rewards==
===Tesoro Olímpico===
===Terracotta Vineyard===
Este año, el Forge Bowl traerá la oportunidad de mostrar el progreso en el campeonato con un excitante nuevo edificio, El Tesoro Olímpico. ¡Este es un edificio residencial mejorable de 4x5 con 10 niveles! Una vez mejorado al nivel 10, dará una Bonificación de Defensa para su ejército atacante, Puntos Forge, Bienes, Monedas y Suministros.
With Forge Bowl 2021 we are also introducing some new exciting buildings! The Grand Prize is the Terracotta Vineyard. You can get the level 1 building from the questline, and you can upgrade it all the way to the level 8. To do so, you need Terracotta Vineyard Upgrades Kits. You can get them from the questline itself, as well as from the Touchdown Rewards. The level 1 building will provide happiness, population and coins. From level 2 on it also generates medals. Level 3 adds goods to the mix. From level 4 on, the building will also provide Forge Points. The output increases further with upgrades.
<center>Grand Prize: The [[Terracotta_Vineyard_-_Lv._1|Terracotta Vineyard]] is an upgradable 5x3 residential building with 8 levels</center><br>
Additionally, you will also have a chance to get four new 5x2 decorations:<br>
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20a.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 1]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus21Cypress.png}}<br>[[Cypress_Pass| Cypress Pass]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20b.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 2]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus21Grapevines.png}}<br>[[Grapevines|Grapevines]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20c.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 3]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20d.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 4]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus21Lavender.png}}<br>[[Lavender_Lawn|Lavender Lawn]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20e.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 5]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus21Olive.png}}<br>[[Olive_Grove|Olive Grove]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20f.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 6]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20g.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 7]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20h.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 8]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20i.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 9]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;" colspan="3"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20i.png}}<br>[[Tesoro Olímpico - Nv. 10]]<br>
Un Tesoro Olímpico de Nivel 1 puede ser encontrado como una de las primeras recompensas de la serie de misiones y puede luego ser mejorada usando los Kits de Mejora de la Tesorería Olímpica, que pueden ser ganadores en la serie de misiones y la ventana del evento.
They not only look great, but if you place them in front of the Terracotta Vineyard, they will also provide an additional bonus for the main building:
*Cypress Pass - 8% attack for the attacking army​
*Grapevines - 10 goods.​
*Lavender Lawn - 4 Forge Points.​
*Olive Grove - 8% defense for the attacking army​
Please note that you can place more than one of each field type. The available city space is the only limit :).
|style="vertical-align:bottom;"|[[File:Upgrade kit olympic treasury.png|center|300px|link=]]
===Nuevos Avatares del Forge Bowl===
===New Forge Bowl Avatars===
Hay dos nuevos retratos que pueden obtener en la serie de misiones del Forge Bowl.<br><br>
As always, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by obtaining these three new themed portraits:<br><br>
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| [[file:Portraits FB20.png|link=|center|Forge Bowl Reporter]]
| [[file:forgebowl21_avatars.png|link=|center|Forge Bowl Reporter]]
===Otros Edificios del Forge Bowl===
===Other Forge Bowl Buildings===
El Puesto de Avanzada Centinela  es un nuevo edificio 1x1, que provee una bonificación de defensa para el ejército atacante. Este edificio también puede ser mejorado al nivel 2 usando un Kit de Mejora del Puesto del Centinela.
That's not all! If you didn't have a chance to participate in our previous events, now you have an opportunity to claim some of those awesome past event items: The Colossus, Olympic Treasury, Sentinel Outpost and others!
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|100px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20a.png}}<br>[[Puesto de Avanzada Centinela - Nv. 1]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19j.png}}<br>[[Colossus_-_Lv._10|The Colossus]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|link=|100px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/shared/icons/reward_icons/reward_icon_upgrade_kit_sentinel_outpost.png}}<br>Puestro de Avanzada del Centinela - Kit de mejora
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|link=|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus20i.png}}<br>[[Olympic_Treasury_-_Lv._9|Olympic Treasury]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|100px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20a.png}}<br>[[Sentinel Outpost - Lv. 1]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|100px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/T_SS_AllAge_SportBonus20b.png}}<br>[[Puesto de Avanzada Centinela - Nv. 2]]<br>
Los edificios de eventos anteriores tambiéne starán disponibles - El Coloso, el Tholos de los Ídolos y el Set de Jardín Clásico
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus19j.png}}<br>[[El Coloso]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonus18j.png}}<br>[[Tholos de Ídolos]]<br>
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/A_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Estanque de Jardín Clásico]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Patio de Jardín Clásico]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SportBonusSet18.png}}<br>[[Estatuas de Jardín Clásico]]<br>

Revisión del 22:01 13 ene 2021

Forgebowl21 main.png

Our famous quarterback Cal Rogers makes his return with the InnoForgers team to participate in this year's Forge Bowl!


How can I participate in the Forge Bowl?


The InnoForgers make their triumphant return! Cal Rogers joins us once again, to lead his team, the InnoForgers, to victory in the football championship! As soon as the Forge Bowl has started, you can access the event window in top left corner to score touchdowns for your team. Listen to Cal Rogers to make progress in this year’s questline. You’ll be able to complete 35 rush quests immediately, and receive another 20 quests on a daily basis. For each completed quest you'll receive footballs in return.

Use the footballs to choose a play and help our offense score! Different plays have different rewards, and help you advance further down the field.

Your goal is to reach the end zone and score a touchdown giving you the opportunity to win the coveted Touchdown Reward. You'll need to move 80 yards in order to score a touchdown. Push your opponents down field towards your prize. To accomplish this feat, you will have to choose the best tactic to advance.

Forgebowl21 mainwindow.png

To start the game, select a player from the field and advance towards touchdown line. Each player gives you a different reward for choosing him, and each play requires footballs, which you earn via quests. You will also get a free event currency quest per day to receive additional Footballs. Last but not least you will be able to find a few footballs in the incidents around your city.


Just like last year, you will have the assistance of five well-prepared coaches. You can change your current coach by clicking his portrait in the the top left corner. Upon opening the coaches' clipboard, you'll be able to select a coach who suits your current tactics best. There are four volunteer coaches, and each of them provides different advantages as you make progress to a touchdown. There's also the professional Ultimate Coach, who provides all these advantages combined . The Default Coach is your initial coach, and he will stay with you for however long you wish. If you prefer to choose another coach, they will work for you for up to 24 hours (buy you can dismiss them earlier), after which they will take a 24 hour break during which they cannot be rehired. If you really want to though, they will rejoin you earlier for a small fee. This cooldown does not apply to the Default Coach and the Ultimate Coach.

Coaches Boost Cost Time active Cooldown Cooldown Cost
Coach 2.2.png
Default Coach
Provides a small chance to double a play reward​
Free Event 00:00H Free
Coach 2.3.png
Progress Coach
This coach grants extra yard progress for each play​
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Special Coach
Increases the chance of winning the Daily Special​
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Coach 2.4.png
League Coach
Doubles the points earned towards the League Table​
Free Up to 24 hours 24:00H Icon diamonds.png 50
Coach 2.5.png
Ultimate Coach
Provides the bonuses of all the Coaches together​
Icon diamonds.png 150 Up to 24 hours 00:00H Free

League Ranking

Just like a real life sporting event, Forge Bowl has its own League Table! For every yard you move forward, your rank in the League will progress. With higher ranking comes greater rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your ranking. It's definitely worth trying to aim for a higher rank to gain access to some awesome extra rewards!

League system.png

League Rewards

The leagues are split by a percentage of all players on the world. The Amateur League will be the Top 50%, the Bronze League will be the Top 25%, Silver has the Top 5% and Gold is the Top 1% of all players on your world.

As other players progress in the League, it is possible that you fall in your rankings, especially when many players play the event at the same time. As such, make sure to check your standings regularly. At the end of the event, you will get a message summarizing your position in the ranking.

Every rank in the League offers you different rewards in the Forge Bowl. The rewards will only be given, at the end of the event.

Rookie Reward
Rookie League
Amateur Reward
Amateur League
Bronze Reward
Bronze League
Small fp.png 10 Forge Points
Small fp.png 20 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Small fp.png 50 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
T SS AllAge SportBonus20a.png 1 sentinel lvl. 1
Silver Reward
Silver League
Small fp.png 100 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20b.png 1 sentinel lvl. 2
Selection kit.png 1 Terracotta Vineyard Selection Kits

Gold Reward
Gold League

Small fp.png 200 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

T SS AllAge SportBonus20b.png 1 sentinel lvl. 2
Selection kit.png 2 Terracotta Vineyard Selection Kits
Stephanie portrait.png 1 Stephanie Portrait

Forge Bowl Questline

There are 55 quests in total to complete and aid you in your progress towards getting all rewards and Footballs for this event! Each completed quest contributes to the counter at the bottom of the quest window, and you will unlock new prizes at 5, 15, 25, 40 & 55 quests!


Forge Bowl Rewards

Terracotta Vineyard

With Forge Bowl 2021 we are also introducing some new exciting buildings! The Grand Prize is the Terracotta Vineyard. You can get the level 1 building from the questline, and you can upgrade it all the way to the level 8. To do so, you need Terracotta Vineyard Upgrades Kits. You can get them from the questline itself, as well as from the Touchdown Rewards. The level 1 building will provide happiness, population and coins. From level 2 on it also generates medals. Level 3 adds goods to the mix. From level 4 on, the building will also provide Forge Points. The output increases further with upgrades.

Forgebowl21 terracottavineyard.gif
Grand Prize: The Terracotta Vineyard is an upgradable 5x3 residential building with 8 levels


Additionally, you will also have a chance to get four new 5x2 decorations:

Cypress Pass


Lavender Lawn

Olive Grove

They not only look great, but if you place them in front of the Terracotta Vineyard, they will also provide an additional bonus for the main building:

  • Cypress Pass - 8% attack for the attacking army​
  • Grapevines - 10 goods.​
  • Lavender Lawn - 4 Forge Points.​
  • Olive Grove - 8% defense for the attacking army​

Please note that you can place more than one of each field type. The available city space is the only limit :).

Forgebowl21 decorations.png

New Forge Bowl Avatars

As always, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by obtaining these three new themed portraits:

Forge Bowl Reporter

Other Forge Bowl Buildings

That's not all! If you didn't have a chance to participate in our previous events, now you have an opportunity to claim some of those awesome past event items: The Colossus, Olympic Treasury, Sentinel Outpost and others!

The Colossus

Olympic Treasury

Sentinel Outpost - Lv. 1