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<center><font color=#FE9A2E>'The Soccer Cup is back for 2021, and Coach Miller needs your help to lead her team to victory! Does your team have what it takes? Do your best, and win some awesome prizes along the way!​'

Once again in the event, you can win two Daily Specials, one from the Training Field and one from the Tournament.<br>
<center><font color=#FE9A2E>'Obtengan bebidas energéticas completando misiones. Utilícenlas para pasar el balón, anotar goles ¡y obtener fantásticas recompensas!'
You need to complete Quests to get Energy Drinks to Train your Players, collect Player Cards to give you more Players to improve your Team and gain tickets to enter the Tournament. It might sound complicated at first, but it's so easy! Let's see how it works.
[[File:allage_coach_miller_300px.png|left|link=|]]<br> __TOC__<br><br>
==¿Cómo puedo participar en la Copa de Fútbol==

[[File:EventTimerSoccer2019.png|left|link=]] ¡La Copa de Fútbol está de regreso! Ayuda a la Coach Miller a liderar a su equipo a través del campeonato ¡y luchen por la victoria! Junten Bebidas Energéticas completando misiones de la serie de la Copa de Fútbol. Después de haber solucionado la serie principal, habrá misiones adicionales disponibles. La Coach Miller también les dará bebidas energéticas por iniciar sesión cada día, y pueden encontrar más en los alrededores de su ciudad ¡a través de los incidentes!
==How Can I Participate in the Soccer Event?==
The Soccer Cup is back! This year, we follow the road to the championship for the men's team! Complete event quests to win Energy Drinks and a bonus reward of Tournament Tickets and Player cards! You can also get some free Energy Drinks for your Daily Login and you can find some in the Incidents around your city!
As you can see you can either train your team (on the left side of the event window) or go straight to the Tournament Arena (on the right side of the event window).
As you can see the event window is split in two halves and it contains six key elements, starting from left:
* On the top left corner is your <strong>Team</strong>. It shows you all the Players that you currently have available and their current Level.
* Pressing the <strong>Training</strong> button, it will take you to the [[Soccer_Cup#Training_Event_Window|Training Window]] and below it is the number of the available [[File:soccer_icon_energy.png|25px|link=]] Energy Drinks
* Right under the Energy Drinks you will find the Training Daily Special
Moving to the right half of the Event Window:
* At the top you will see the Top Three Players in your Worlds Tournament and your position in it
* By pressing the <strong> Tournament</strong> button you will be directed to the [[Soccer_Cup#Tournament_Arena|Tournament Arena]] and below this button the number of [[File:soccer_tickets_icon.png|25px|link=]] tickets you currently have
* and finally under your tickets you will find the Tournament Daily Special
==Training Event Window==
In the training arena, you will decide how to pass the ball from one player to another, to eventually reach the goal of the opposing team. Every pass will offer you a different selection of rewards including a chance to get the Daily Special or player cards. and will advance one step closer to the coveted goal reward. Click on the question mark above every player to see what you can win.
It takes more energy to pass the ball to players further down the field. It's your choice how quickly you want to advance to the Goal! Passing the ball is hard work! Your players will need to replenish their energy, resulting in each pass you will spend some of your Energy Drinks. Complete quests in order to get more.
Here you can also access your Team on the left corner, in the middle of the window you'll find the Daily Special and on the right corner there is the number of the available energy drinks. You can buy some more with Diamonds by pressing the [[File:Plusbutton.png|25px]] button. On the right side of the Training Window you can see the current Goal Reward and following two.
==Player Cards==
Player Cards will either unlock a new player or make one of your current players stronger. By clicking on <strong>Team</strong> you can view the players you have collected. Adding a new player to your team means you will also be able to pass the ball to this player in the training arena. You can click on a player card to see which rewards you can get by passing the ball to this player. The higher level your player is, the higher your chance is to get double the rewards. You can see the double reward chance on the player cards of each player.
Buy more Player Cards by pressing the[[File:Plusbutton.png|25px|link=]] button next to [[File:soccer_avatar_icon.png|25px|link=]]cards icon. You can buy 10, 50 or 200 random Cards with Diamonds
==Tournament Arena==
Besides that, we changed the way ranking points are calculated within this year's Soccer Cup event. The higher your Team Power, the more Ranking Points you will be awarded from winning your Tournament Matches. Speaking of which, "Tournament" is the place where you can challenge the teams of other players to climb up in the global ranking. Upon hitting "Play Match", you start off by choosing the difficulty of the match you wanna play, either easy, medium, or hard. Please, keep in mind that winning against more difficult opponents will grant you greater rewards, and additionally you also get more ranking points depending on the difficulty of your opponent.
After choosing the difficulty, your goal is to pick the best team to defeat your opponent. The percentage on your screen shows your chances of winning (green) or losing (red) the match. Choose the best players combination to improve your chances to win, and make sure to keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses they have:<br>
[[File:attack.png|50px|link=]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Attacking players are more effective against midfielders<br>
[[File:Mid.png|50px|link=]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Midfielders are more effective against defenders<br>
[[File:defense.png|50px|link=]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Defenders are more effective against attackers<br>
Once you finish selecting your team, click on the button in the middle of the screen to use a tournament ticket [[File:soccer_tickets_icon.png|25px|link=]]  and see the results of the match. These tickets will replenish over time, but you can earn more of them by completing quests, finding them in regular incidents in your city or purchasing them with diamonds.
Winning a match will earn you Ranking Points and a reward chest. The reward chest you win depends on the difficulty you choose. Each reward chest has a chance to win the Tournament Daily Special, which is different from the Training Daily Special, meaning that on each day there are two different daily special prizes you can aim for!
===Chose your opponent===
¡Usen las bebidas energéticas para mantener hidratado a su equipo! Pasen el balón entre los jugadores, moviéndolo hacia la meta. ¡Con cada pase ganarán un premio individual! Cada pase también les da la oportunidad de ganar el Especial del Día, que se reiniciará cada 24 horas con algo nuevo. Con cada pase, se moverán más cerca del codiciado Premio de Gol:
Press <strong>Play Match</strong> to chose your opponent. Every time you play a tournament match you will use up one tournament ticket which will replenish over time. You can earn more tournament tickets by completing quests, or by finding them in regular incidents in your city.
At the top of the window you can see the number of the players you have in your Team and your current ranking.
There will be three random opponents from the world to chose from. Next to each one there is a different chest, [[File:soccer_match_chest_easy.png|50px|link=]] <strong>Easy</strong> [[File:soccer_match_chest_medium.png|50px|link=]] <strong>Medium</strong> [[File:soccer_match_chest_hard.png|50px|link=]] <strong>Hard</strong>, which means that each one has different prizes for you. The hardest the Chest, the better the rewards!<br>
The Points you get are based the Strength of opponent you face.
===Tournament Pre-Match Window===
Once you've chosen your Opponent you will be directed to the Pre-Match Window, where you can see the opponent's team and you will also be able to select your players to play against them, by pressing the [[File:soccer_exchange_icon.png|30px|link=]] <strong>Change Team Setup</strong> icon next to your team.
<center> Each Player has one of three positions:[[File:soccer_avatar_defender_icon.png|30px|link=]] Defender, [[File:soccer_avatar_attacker_icon.png|30px|link=]] Attacker and [[File:soccer_avatar_midfielder_icon.png|30px|link=]] Midfielder<br>
Each position provides a bonus over another. Use this in combination with your team power to gain the edge over your opponent!<br>Each Player in your team has a Power Level. The collective Power of all five players in your team makes up your Team Power.
Every time you win a tournament match you earn Ranking Points which will determine your global ranking and will move you up the League Table. With higher ranking comes better rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your league. You can view which league you are in by clicking on the league trophy in the tournament arena. In addition, the top 10 highest ranked players on the global ranking will get extra rewards based on their rank, including an unique avatar. <br>
Be aware, other players may want to also get into the higher ranks, but only a certain amount of players can stay there. Make sure that you always gain enough Ranking Points in order to not fall in ranks.

[[File:Top 10.png|400px|center|link=]]<br>

===Ranking de la Liga===
Con la Copa de Fútbol de este año, introdujimos una nueva forma de manejar las Ligas. El evento durará 32 días, y durante este periodo habrá 4 ligas separadas. Cada 8 días, comenzará una nueva liga, ¡dándoles 4 oportunidades de ganar a lo grande! Usen bebidas energéticas para subir en la tabla de la Liga. Ustedes están compitiendo contra otros jugadores, así que si dejan de jugar, podrían caer a ligas menores. Al final de cad liga, los mejores jugadores serán recompensados con premios extra especiales, ¡y comenzará una nueva Liga! Subirán en la liga con cada bebida energética utilizada.

===Athlon Abbey===
Pero tengan cuidado, otros jugadores podrían también querer entrar en las ligas superiores, y solo cierta cantidad de jugadores pueden permanecer ahí. Mantengan a su equipo hidratado consumiendo bebidos energéticas para no caer en el ranking.

====Recompensas de la Liga====
We know you've been waiting for this, so let's talk about this event's building reward! The new main reward is the "Athlon Abbey", an imposing 5x4 upgradable building with 10 levels! This building provides you with Happiness, Population and Coins on base level. Upon leveling it up, it will also deliver Supplies, Medals, Forge Points, Goods, as well as Defense and Attack boosts for your defending armies!
Cada rango en la Liga les ofrece diferentes recompensas en el evento de la Copa de Fútbol. Las recompensas sólo serán entregadas, al final de cada Liga.
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:League reward hobby.png|120px|center|link=|Rookie Reward]]Liga Afición<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:League reward amateur.png|120px|center|link=|Amateur Reward]]Liga Amateur<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[File:League reward bronze.png|120px|center|link=|Bronze Reward]]Liga de Bronce<br>
| style="text-align: center;" |[[File:League reward silver.png|120px|center|link=|Silver Reward]]Liga de Plata<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 5 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 20 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit Uno Más<br>
| style="text-align:center;"|[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 20 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit Uno Más<br>
[[File:selection_kit_divine.png|45px|link=]] 1 Kit de Selección Divina<br>
| style="text-align: center;" | [[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 50 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit Uno Más<br>
[[File:Upgrade_kit_altar_garden.png|45px|link=]] 1 Kit de Mejora del Jardín del Altar<br>
[[File:selection_kit_divine.png|45px|link=]] 1 Kit de Selección Divina<br>
| style="text-align: center;" colspan="4"|[[File:League reward gold.png|150px|center|link=|Gold Reward]]Liga Oro
| style="text-align: center;" | Ronda 1
| style="text-align: center;" | Ronda 2
| style="text-align: center;" | Ronda 3
| style="text-align: center;" | Ronda 4
| style="text-align: center;" |<br>[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 100 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>
[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
[[File:Upgrade_kit_altar_garden.png|45px|link=]] 2 Kits de mejora para el Jardín del Altar<br>
[[File:FoECupTrophy.png|35px]]1 [[Copa FoE]]<br>
[[File:selection_kit_divine.png|45px|link=]] 1 Kit de Selección Divina
| style="text-align: center;" |<br>[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 100 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>
[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
[[File:Upgrade_kit_altar_garden.png|45px|link=]] 2 Kits de mejora para el Jardín del Altar<br>
[[File:SoccerFanMale.png|35px]] Avatar de Aficionado<br>
[[File:selection_kit_divine.png|45px|link=]] 1 Kit de Selección Divina
| style="text-align: center;" |<br>[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 100 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>
[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
[[File:Upgrade_kit_altar_garden.png|45px|link=]] 2 Kits de mejora para el Jardín del Altar<br>
[[File:FoECupTrophy.png|35px]]1 [[Copa FoE]]<br>
[[File:selection_kit_divine.png|45px|link=]] 1 Kit de Selección Divina
| style="text-align: center;" |<br>[[file:small_fp.png|link=]] 100 [[Puntos Forge]]<br>
[[File:Reward_icon_one_up_kit_25px.png|link=]] 1 Kit uno más<br>
[[File:Upgrade_kit_altar_garden.png|45px|link=]] 2 Kits de mejora para el Altar del Jardín<br>
[[File:SoccerWinnerFemale.png|35px]] Avatar de Ganadora<br>
[[File:selection_kit_divine.png|45px|link=]] 1 Kit de Selección Divina

===Serie de misiones del evento de la Copa de Fútbol===
[[File:Athlon Abbey.png|400px|center|link=]]
Hay 65 misiones en total para ayudarlos en su progreso. 33 misiones se pueden hacer de manera inmediata, ¡y hay 32 misiones extra! las cuales podrán hacer una diaria. Cada misión completada contribuye en el avance del contador en la parte inferior de la ventana de las misiones, y desbloquearán premios en las misiones 5, 20, 33, 50 y 65.<br>

==Recompensas de la Copa de Fútbol==
You will need [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_athlon_abbey.png|30px|link=]] Athlon Abbey Upgrade Kit to Upgrade your Athlon Abbey and You can find them as Goal Rewards, but never as Daily Specials.

===Jardín del Altar===
En la Copa de Fútbol 2019 llega un nuevo y emocionante edificio mejorable, ¡con 6 opciones diferentes en su forma final! El Jardín del Altar se puede subir al nivel 5 y tiene un tamaño de 3x2. Entre mayor sea su nivel, más y mejores bonificaciones otorgará. Una vez que haya alcanzado el nivel 5, tendrán la opción de elegir como quieren que se vea la pieza final. Pueden elegir entre 6 Diosas Griegas diferentes para determinar su estética final. Cada forma es única y ofrece sus propias recompensas.

Para subir de nivel su Jardín del Altar necesitarán el [[File:Upgrade_kit_altar_garden.png|50px|link=]] Kit de mejora del Jardín del Altar. Pueden obtener el nivel 1 del Jardín del Altar y algunos kits de mejora en la serie de misiones y como recompensa por anotar goles. También pueden usar el Kit de Selección Divina para construir el Jardín del Altar nivel 1 si necesitan uno adicional en su ciudad.
Lastly, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by winning one of three Soccer themed portraits. Two can be won by completing the questline, and the last one can be earned as unique prizes for the Gold League.

{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
[[File:Portraits 3.png|600px|center|link=]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19a.png}}<br>[[Jardín del Altar - Nv. 1]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19b.png}}<br>[[Jardín del Altar - Nv. 2]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19c.png}}<br>[[Jardín del Altar - Nv. 3]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19d.png}}<br>[[Jardín del Altar - Nv. 4]]<br>
Una vez que su Jardín del Altar esté en el nivel 4, ustedes tendrán seis opciones para elegir como desean continuar. Al usar su siguiente kit de mejora, se les presentarán las opciones de transformación de su Jardín del Altar: Altar de Afrodita, Artemisa, Demeter, Hera, Athena o Hestia.
{|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|245px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19eAphrodite.png}}<br>[[Altar de Afrodita]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|245px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19eArtemis.png}}<br>[[Altar de Artemisa]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|245px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19eAthena.png}}<br>[[Altar de Athena]]<br>
| style="color: black; background-color: orange; text-align: center;" colspan="3" | Proporciona
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_population.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_population.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_population.png|center|link=]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:icon_happiness.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:icon_happiness.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:icon_happiness.png]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_coins.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_coins.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_coins.png|center|link=]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| -
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|25px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/shared/icons/att_boost_attacker.png}}
|style="text-align:center;"| -

==Event Hub==
| style="color: black; background-color: orange; text-align: center;" colspan="3" | Si está motivado
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_supplies.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_supplies.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_supplies.png|center|link=]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_medal.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| -
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:small_fp.png|center|link=]]2
{|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|245px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19eDemeter.png}}<br>[[Altar de Demeter]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|245px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19eHera.png}}<br>[[Altar de Hera]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|245px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SoccerBonus19eHestia.png}}<br>[[Altar de Hestia]]<br>
| style="color: black; background-color: orange; text-align: center;" colspan="3" | Proporciona
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_population.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_population.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_population.png|center|link=]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:icon_happiness.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:icon_happiness.png]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:icon_happiness.png]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_coins.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_coins.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_coins.png|center|link=]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_coins.png|center|link=]] 5%
|style="text-align:center;"| -
|style="text-align:center;"| -
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_supplies.png|center|link=]] 5%
|style="text-align:center;"| -
|style="text-align:center;"| -
| style="color: black; background-color: orange; text-align: center;" colspan="3" | Si está motivado
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_supplies.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_supplies.png|center|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Icon_supplies.png|center|link=]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| -
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:small_goods.png|center|link=]] 7
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Small_blueprint.png|center|link=]] 1

===Kit de Selección Divina===
Last but not least, the Soccer Cup 2021 will be the first event to have its own dedicated spot in the Event Hub's pier. Also, by completing all the quests in the Soccer Cup event your city will be granted a huge boost of 150% supplies production for 5 days! However, please keep in mind that these boosts will only be activated in your city after the Soccer Cup event is finished!
Además de ganar el Jardín del Altar y sus kits de mejora en la Copa de Fútbol, también tienen la oportunidad de ganar [[File:selection_kit_divine.png|45px|link=]] Kits de Selección Divina. Estos kits se pueden usar para elegir entreun [[Jardín del Altar - Nv. 1]], Puntos Forge, medallas o bienes.

===Kit de selección del Tholos de Ídolos===
Otro premio que pueden encontrar en la Copa de Fútbol es el [[File:45px-Selection kit tholos of idols.png|45px|link=]] Kit de Selección del Tholos de ídolos. Este kit les permite elegir entre el Tholos de ídolos nivel 1, o su kit de mejora, en caso de que se lo hayan perdido en la [[Copa de Fútbol 2018]].
<center> We hope you enjoy the Soccer Cup as much as we do! <center>
===Avatares del evento de la Copa de Fútbol===
Hay cuatro avatares que se pueden obtener durante la Copa de Fútbol. Dos en la serie de misiones, ¡y dos más de la Liga Oro!<br><br>
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| [[File:SoccerFanMale.png|link=|Male Soccer Fan]] Fanático del Fútbol
| [[File:SoccerWinnerFemale.png|link=|Soccer Cup Winner]] Ganadora de la Copa
| [[File:portrait_327.png|link=|Soccer Defense]] Defensa de Fútbol
| [[File:portrait_330.png|link=|Sports Commentator]] Comentador Deportivo

Revisión del 22:49 3 jun 2021


'The Soccer Cup is back for 2021, and Coach Miller needs your help to lead her team to victory! Does your team have what it takes? Do your best, and win some awesome prizes along the way!​'

Once again in the event, you can win two Daily Specials, one from the Training Field and one from the Tournament.
You need to complete Quests to get Energy Drinks to Train your Players, collect Player Cards to give you more Players to improve your Team and gain tickets to enter the Tournament. It might sound complicated at first, but it's so easy! Let's see how it works.

How Can I Participate in the Soccer Event?

The Soccer Cup is back! This year, we follow the road to the championship for the men's team! Complete event quests to win Energy Drinks and a bonus reward of Tournament Tickets and Player cards! You can also get some free Energy Drinks for your Daily Login and you can find some in the Incidents around your city!

2020 Soccer Event Main Window.png

As you can see you can either train your team (on the left side of the event window) or go straight to the Tournament Arena (on the right side of the event window). As you can see the event window is split in two halves and it contains six key elements, starting from left:

  • On the top left corner is your Team. It shows you all the Players that you currently have available and their current Level.
  • Pressing the Training button, it will take you to the Training Window and below it is the number of the available Soccer icon energy.png Energy Drinks
  • Right under the Energy Drinks you will find the Training Daily Special

Moving to the right half of the Event Window:

  • At the top you will see the Top Three Players in your Worlds Tournament and your position in it
  • By pressing the Tournament button you will be directed to the Tournament Arena and below this button the number of Soccer tickets icon.png tickets you currently have
  • and finally under your tickets you will find the Tournament Daily Special

Training Event Window

In the training arena, you will decide how to pass the ball from one player to another, to eventually reach the goal of the opposing team. Every pass will offer you a different selection of rewards including a chance to get the Daily Special or player cards. and will advance one step closer to the coveted goal reward. Click on the question mark above every player to see what you can win.

It takes more energy to pass the ball to players further down the field. It's your choice how quickly you want to advance to the Goal! Passing the ball is hard work! Your players will need to replenish their energy, resulting in each pass you will spend some of your Energy Drinks. Complete quests in order to get more.


Here you can also access your Team on the left corner, in the middle of the window you'll find the Daily Special and on the right corner there is the number of the available energy drinks. You can buy some more with Diamonds by pressing the Plusbutton.png button. On the right side of the Training Window you can see the current Goal Reward and following two.

Player Cards

Player Cards will either unlock a new player or make one of your current players stronger. By clicking on Team you can view the players you have collected. Adding a new player to your team means you will also be able to pass the ball to this player in the training arena. You can click on a player card to see which rewards you can get by passing the ball to this player. The higher level your player is, the higher your chance is to get double the rewards. You can see the double reward chance on the player cards of each player.


Buy more Player Cards by pressing thePlusbutton.png button next to Soccer avatar icon.pngcards icon. You can buy 10, 50 or 200 random Cards with Diamonds

Tournament Arena

Besides that, we changed the way ranking points are calculated within this year's Soccer Cup event. The higher your Team Power, the more Ranking Points you will be awarded from winning your Tournament Matches. Speaking of which, "Tournament" is the place where you can challenge the teams of other players to climb up in the global ranking. Upon hitting "Play Match", you start off by choosing the difficulty of the match you wanna play, either easy, medium, or hard. Please, keep in mind that winning against more difficult opponents will grant you greater rewards, and additionally you also get more ranking points depending on the difficulty of your opponent.

After choosing the difficulty, your goal is to pick the best team to defeat your opponent. The percentage on your screen shows your chances of winning (green) or losing (red) the match. Choose the best players combination to improve your chances to win, and make sure to keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses they have:

Attack.png   Attacking players are more effective against midfielders
Mid.png   Midfielders are more effective against defenders
Defense.png   Defenders are more effective against attackers

Once you finish selecting your team, click on the button in the middle of the screen to use a tournament ticket Soccer tickets icon.png and see the results of the match. These tickets will replenish over time, but you can earn more of them by completing quests, finding them in regular incidents in your city or purchasing them with diamonds.

Winning a match will earn you Ranking Points and a reward chest. The reward chest you win depends on the difficulty you choose. Each reward chest has a chance to win the Tournament Daily Special, which is different from the Training Daily Special, meaning that on each day there are two different daily special prizes you can aim for!

Tournament Window.png

Chose your opponent

Tournament Select Opponent2021.png

Press Play Match to chose your opponent. Every time you play a tournament match you will use up one tournament ticket which will replenish over time. You can earn more tournament tickets by completing quests, or by finding them in regular incidents in your city. At the top of the window you can see the number of the players you have in your Team and your current ranking. There will be three random opponents from the world to chose from. Next to each one there is a different chest, Soccer match chest easy.png Easy Soccer match chest medium.png Medium Soccer match chest hard.png Hard, which means that each one has different prizes for you. The hardest the Chest, the better the rewards!
The Points you get are based the Strength of opponent you face.

Tournament Pre-Match Window

Once you've chosen your Opponent you will be directed to the Pre-Match Window, where you can see the opponent's team and you will also be able to select your players to play against them, by pressing the Soccer exchange icon.png Change Team Setup icon next to your team.

Each Player has one of three positions:Soccer avatar defender icon.png Defender, Soccer avatar attacker icon.png Attacker and Soccer avatar midfielder icon.png Midfielder

Each position provides a bonus over another. Use this in combination with your team power to gain the edge over your opponent!
Each Player in your team has a Power Level. The collective Power of all five players in your team makes up your Team Power.


Every time you win a tournament match you earn Ranking Points which will determine your global ranking and will move you up the League Table. With higher ranking comes better rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your league. You can view which league you are in by clicking on the league trophy in the tournament arena. In addition, the top 10 highest ranked players on the global ranking will get extra rewards based on their rank, including an unique avatar.

Be aware, other players may want to also get into the higher ranks, but only a certain amount of players can stay there. Make sure that you always gain enough Ranking Points in order to not fall in ranks.

League soccer bronze cup big.png League.png

Top 10.png


Athlon Abbey

We know you've been waiting for this, so let's talk about this event's building reward! The new main reward is the "Athlon Abbey", an imposing 5x4 upgradable building with 10 levels! This building provides you with Happiness, Population and Coins on base level. Upon leveling it up, it will also deliver Supplies, Medals, Forge Points, Goods, as well as Defense and Attack boosts for your defending armies!

Athlon Abbey.png

You will need Reward icon upgrade kit athlon abbey.png Athlon Abbey Upgrade Kit to Upgrade your Athlon Abbey and You can find them as Goal Rewards, but never as Daily Specials.


Lastly, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by winning one of three Soccer themed portraits. Two can be won by completing the questline, and the last one can be earned as unique prizes for the Gold League.

Portraits 3.png

Event Hub

Last but not least, the Soccer Cup 2021 will be the first event to have its own dedicated spot in the Event Hub's pier. Also, by completing all the quests in the Soccer Cup event your city will be granted a huge boost of 150% supplies production for 5 days! However, please keep in mind that these boosts will only be activated in your city after the Soccer Cup event is finished!


We hope you enjoy the Soccer Cup as much as we do!