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<center><font color=#FE9A2E>''Explora la feria para ganar premios, velas, linternas y faroles.''<br></center></font color>
<center><font color=#FE9A2E>''Trick, or Treat? Before you answer, realize that this year, we have plenty of both in store!
Explore the misty fairground in order to win prizes, candles, lights and lanterns.''<br></center></font color>

[[File:HalloWeen20_CREEPY_RINGMASTER.png|Ringmaster|300px|left|link=]]<br><br><br> __TOC__<br>
[[File:HalloWeen20_CREEPY_RINGMASTER.png|Ringmaster|300px|left|link=]]<br><br><br> __TOC__<br>
<center>''"¡Visitante! ¡Bienvenid@s al lugar más espectacular en la tierra! Yo soy el Jefe de Pista y tu, mi huésped, te sorprenderás. <br> Ven... por aquí..."''</center>
<center>''"Visitor! Welcome one and all to the most spectacular place on Earth! I am the Ringmaster and you my guest are in for a big surprise.<br> Come this way…"''</center>
==Serie de misiones de Halloween==
==Halloween Questline==
En el Evento de Halloween de este año, el Jefe de Pista es quien les dará las misiones. Él les mostrará las atracciones y les invitará a unirse a él en un tour por la feria. Esta Serie de Misiones de Halloween les dará 30 misiones rápidas y luego 21 misiones adicionales, una por día.<br>
In this year's Halloween Event, your quest giver will be the Ringmaster. He will show you around the attractions and invite you to join him for a tour on his misty Fairground. This Halloween's questline will provide you with 30 rush quests, and then 21 additional quests, with one appearing each day.<br>
Recibirán 30 misiones rápidas, yluego 21 misiones, una por cada día. ¡Pero quedan advertidos, este evento les dejará temblando de miedo!<br>
You'll receive 30 rush quests, and then 21 quests, with one appearing each day. But quester beware, you're in for a scare!<br>
En Halloween este año podrán explorar una oscura y aterradora feria. Una extraña niebla la cubre, así que necesitarán cambiar boletos de la feria por herramientas especiales para poder abrirse paso entre la niebla y encontrar algunos tesoros.
This year's Halloween season will let you explore a dark and frightening fairground tent. To uncover this tent, you will need to exchange fairground tickets for special tools in order to clear the fog that's hiding your path and some rare treasures.
==La Feria==
Al abrir la ventana del evento, verán una feria con cajas de circo. Avancen por la feria dispersando la niebla con las herramientas disponibles en la parte izquierda de la pantalla del evento: una vela, una linterna y un farol.
Usen la vela para limpiar un solo espacio a la vez. la linterna debe ser usada en un espacio vacío para limpiar una columna completa, pero tengan en cuenta que no atraviesa cajas. ¡Un farol limpiará los espacios aledaños y debe usarse en espacios vacíos y al igual que la linterna, no atraviesa cajas!

==The Fairground Tent==
Upon opening the event window, you will see the misty tent filled with fog and circus travel cases. Make your way through it, cleaning the fog with the tools available: A candle, a flashlight and a lantern.
Use the candle to clear a single fog tile at a time. A flashlight can be used on an empty tile to clear an entire column unless there is a suitcase in the way. A lantern clears all surrounding tiles, but like the flashlight, cannot clear suitcases, so use your tiles wisely!
Al completar misiones del evento, recolectarán boletos que pueden cambiar por varias herramientas diferentes en la Tienda de las Herramientas del evento. Estas herramientas les permitirán limpiar la niebla y encontrar premios ocultos debajo. Úsenlos con cuidado ya que cada herramienta tiene un área específica de efecto, donde encontrarán Calabazas con recompensas de diferentes valores (¡incluyendo la posibilidad de ganar el Especial Diario!), así como también foquitos cubiertos (recolecten suficientes para obtener el valioso Gran Premio). Presten atención a las cajas del circo - deberán darles la vuelta.
By completing event quests, you will be rewarded with tickets that you can use to exchange in the event's Tool Shop, in order to get various different tools to help you clear away the fog and find prizes hidden underneath. Use them wisely, as each tool has a specific area of effect that helps you to make your way through the tent, where you'll find hidden Pumpkins that contain rewards of different values (including a chance to win the Daily Special), as well as coveted lightbulbs (collect enough of them to obtain the valuable Grand Prize). Watch out for Circus travel cases in the fog, as they will block your way in tent.
También pueden encontrar boletos en incidentes regulares en las afueras de la ciudad
You can also find tickets in regular incidents around or in the outskirts of your city.

===Obtener más herramientas===
===Getting more tools===

Pueden encontrar más herramientas en la tienda, pero también pueden cambiar sus boletos por más herramientas. Usen el botón [[File:Plusbutton.png|25px|Link=]]para abrir la Tienda de Herramientas. ¡Aquí, pueden comprar herramientas o paquetes de herramientas!
You can find more tools in the tent itself, but there is also a way to exchange your tickets for more tools. Press the [[File:Plusbutton.png|25px|Link=]]-Button to open the Tool Shop. Here, you can either purchase single tools for your tickets or buy bundles that give you a better deal!


===Colección de Juguetes===
===Toys Collection===
Al igual que el evento del año pasado, una vez más podrán recolectar varias series de misiones cortas (tenebrosos juguetes de feria) como recompensa en la tienda (son adicionales a la serie de misiones principales), y al final de cada serie de misiones, una recompensa especial les será otorgada. Esto también significa que podrán trabajar en varias misiones al mismo tiempo.
With the introduction from last years event, you can once again collect multiple short questlines (creepy fairground toys) as rewards in the tent (there are an addition to the main questline), and at the end of each questline, a special reward should be granted to you. This also means that you'll be able to potentially work on multiple quests simultaneously.
Los juguetes pueden ser encontrados al avanzar por la feria, y cuando los recolecten estarán disponibles para ser activados en la ventana de la Colección de Juguetes, a la que pueden acceder en la ventana principal del evento. ¡Pueden activar tantas series de misiones quieran al mismo tiempo, siempre y cuando no sea la misma! Cuando terminen una, un indicador será mostrado junto a ese juguete. Pueden encontrar y recolectar más de un juguete, y las posibilidad de que aparezcan en la feria dependerá de qué tan raros sean.
These toys can be found while advancing through the misty tent, and whenever you collect one of them, it will be available to activate in your Toy Collection window, which can be accessed in the main event window. You can activate simultaneously as many questlines you want, as long as they're not the same! When you finish one, a check-mark is shown next to that toy. You can find and collect more than one of each toy, and their chances of appearance may vary depending on their rareness.
Una vez que cada juguete sea encontrado y la misión completada, podrán obtener una valiosa Recompensa del Coleccionista al hacer clic en el botón recolectar a la derecha de la recompensa.
Once every toy is found and solved, you can obtain a valuable Collector's Reward by clicking in the '''collect''' button on the right side of the reward.


Muchas recompensas les esperan en su paso por la feria, pero están escondidas debajo de la niebla. Para verlas, deberán limpiar el espacio. Si aún están cubiertas, no podrán ver si la la niebla oculta algo.<br>
Many different rewards await you on your way through the fairground tent, but they are hidden under the fog. To see them, you will need to clear it away. If they're still covered, you won't be able to see if the fog hides rewards.<br>

A media que descubran espacios, tendrán la oportunidad de obtener Calabazas, más herramientas (Velas, Linterna y Faroles) para ayudarles en su progreso, Retratos, foquitos o Juguetes. Al posar el mouse/ratón sobre las Calabazas les mostrará lo que podrían obtener en cada una. Una vez que descubren la recompensa por completo, podrán hacer clic en ella para reclamar el premio. ¡Tengan cuidado! Asegúrense de no avanzar y perder de vista los premios que no han descubierto por completo ya que los perderán.<br>
As you uncover tiles, you will get the chance to unveil a Pumpkin, more tools (Flashlight, Candle and Lantern) to aid your progress, Avatars, Light bulbs, or Teddy bears. Hover your mouse over Pumpkins to find out what is on offer in each one. Once you've uncovered a reward fully, click on it to claim your prize. Be careful! Make sure you don't advance deeper into the fairground tent without uncovering the rewards you want. Once you go too far, there is no going back, and you'll lose sight of the reward.<br>

{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:halloween_icon_grand_prize.png|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:halloween_icon_grand_prize.png|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| Los Focos son un premio especial que les acercará más al Gran Premio. Una vez que han obtenido 20 focos, recibirán el Gran Premio que se muestra en la parte superior de la ventana del evento.
| style="text-align:center;"| '''Light bulbs''' are a special prize to uncover that will bring you closer to the Grand Prize reward. Once you reach 20 Light bulbs, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:halloween_icon_tool_1.png|50px|link=]][[File:halloween_icon_tool_2.png|50px|link=]][[File:halloween_icon_tool_3.png|50px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:halloween_icon_tool_1.png|50px|link=]][[File:halloween_icon_tool_2.png|50px|link=]][[File:halloween_icon_tool_3.png|50px|link=]]

| style="text-align:center;"| Las Herramientas también pueden ser encontradas bajo la niebla. ¡Pueden encontrar todas las herramientas del evento!
| style="text-align:center;"| '''Tools''' can also be found under the fog. You can find all the tools of the event!
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:reward_icon_halloween_pumpkin_9.png|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:reward_icon_halloween_pumpkin_9.png|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| Las Calabazas tienen muchos estilos diferentes. Una vez descubiertos, les darán una recompensa al azar, entre ellos la posibilidad de obtener el Especial Diario. Tocar una calabaza o posar el mouse/ratón sobre ella revelará lo que le pueden otorgar.
| style="text-align:center;"| '''Pumpkins''' come in a variety of different styles. Once uncovered, they will have a random reward for you and provide the chance to win the Daily Special. Tapping the pumpkin or hovering the mouse over it also reveals what it may contain.
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:reward_icon_halloween_avatar_frame.png|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:reward_icon_halloween_avatar_frame.png|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| Retratos de Eventos de Halloween pasados estarán disponibles y también pueden ser descubiertos en su paso por la feria.
| style="text-align:center;"| '''Avatars''' are available from previous Halloween Events and can also be uncovered on your journey.
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:halloween_icon_books.png|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:halloween_icon_books.png|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| Los Juguetes también pueden ser obtenidos y recolectados en la feria y les entregarán mini misiones para completar. Resuelvan las misiones de todos los juguetes para obtener una Recompensa del Coleccionista.
| style="text-align:center;"| '''Teddy bears''' can also be revealed and collected, providing you with mini quests to complete. Solve one of every teddy bears questline to receive the collectors Reward.
Finally, there is one further thing you should always be on the lookout for - Daily Stickers. These can be spent in the Reward Calendar, which is completely new to this year's event! Each sticker is unique, and will open one of the 21 slots within the Calendar! Each one opening a unique reward!


==Recompensas del evento de Halloween==
==Halloween Event Rewards==
===The Horror Circus Set ===
===Halloween Event Avatars===
That is not all! Within the Daily Specials you can win event buildings from the previous event including - The House of Horrors, and The Abandoned Asylum

===La Casa del Terror===
Lastly, as always, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by obtaining the following reward Avatars within the event. Two can be earned in the Quest line, one for completing the Reward Calendar, and the final for completing the Toy Quest lines!
{|style="width:50%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Portrait_385.png|center|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Portrait_386.png|center|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Portrait_467.png|center|100px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Portrait_468.png|center|100px|link=]]

El Gran Premio de este año es la Casa del Terror, un edificio mejorable de 4x3 con 7 niveles. Este edificio también añadirá habitantes especiales para la ciudad, basado en la elección final que hagan.<br>
=== Reward Calendar ===
Al llegar al nivel final, podrán elegir entre las tres opciones de arriba. La Casa de los Horrores proveerá monedas y población así como también una bonificación de defensa para el ejército atacante. Al ser motivado, la Casa de los Horrores también generará bienes de su edad actual, suministros y Forge Points (por favor tengan en cuenta que - a menos que esté motivado - este edificio puede ser saqueado). Aún así, colocar este edificio en la ciudad también generará felicidad negativa.

El edificio y sus kits de mejora pueden ser ganados como Gran Premio del evento y como recompensa por hitos en la serie de misiones. Para ganar el Gran Premio, tendrán que recolectar 20 foquitos. Los foquitos son un premio especial que les acercará a la recompensa del Gran Premio. Una vez que han recolectado 20 foquitos, recibirán el Gran Premio que es mostrado en la parte superior de la ventana del evento.
It is also important to always be on the lookout for Daily Stickers. These can be spent in the Reward Calendar, which is completely new to the 2021 Halloween event! Each sticker is unique, and will open one of the 21 slots within the Calendar! Each one opening a unique reward!

{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_1.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:upgrade_kit_house_of_horrors.png|150px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_2.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| Para mejorar la Casa del Terror, deben usar el Kit de Mejora de la Casa del Terror. Estos Kits pueden obtenerse en la serie de misiones del evento de Hallowen y como uno de los Grandes Premios.
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_3.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_4.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_6.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_7.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_8.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_9.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_10.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_11.png|75px|link=]]
You are probably wondering what happens if you miss a day? While there are plenty of things to be afraid of within the Halloween event, missing a daily slot within the Reward Calendar is not one!
Joker Sticker Pieces can always be found throughout the event, as well as won in Daily Challenges. Once you have enough of them, you can piece them together, to make a full sticker and open a slot that was previously missed.
{|style="width:48%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Image2021-8-4_11-2-26.png|center|150px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Image2021-8-3_12-36-18.png|center|150px|link=]]

{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20a.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Lv. 1]]<br>
These are key, as you will definitely not want to miss out on the reward for completing the Calendar! Within, are two selection kits, a unique avatar, and a host of other items!
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20b.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Lv. 2]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20c.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Lv. 3]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20d.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Lv. 4]]<br>
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20e.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Lv. 5]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_12.png|75px|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20f.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Lv. 6]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_13.png|75px|link=]]
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_14.png|75px|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20gClown.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Clown ]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_15.png|75px|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20gDemon.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Demon]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_16.png|75px|link=]]
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_HalloweenBonus20gWolf.png}}<br>[[House of Horrors - Wolf]]<br>
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_17.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_18.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_19.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_20.png|75px|link=]]
| style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Halloween_sticker_21.png|75px|link=]]

===Retratos del evento de Halloween===
=== Event Hub Addition - Hellish Hangout ===
¡Eso no es todo! Si no pudieron participar del Evento de Halloween pasad, ahora tendrán la oportunidad de obtener el Gran Premio del año pasado: ¡El Manicomio Abandonado! Por último, como siempre, podrán alardear de su progreso con sus amigos y vecinos obteniendo uno de los dos retratos temáticos. Estos pueden ser obtenidos en la serie de misiones principal (el payaso es entregado como parte de la recompensa de coleccionista por encontrar todos los juguetes y terminar las misiones):<br><br>
If you successfully complete the quests within the event, then you will be rewarded with the 'Hellish Hang-out.' Be assured, your enemies will be terrified of the 4-day 20% attacking boost for your defensive armies!

¡Feliz cacería!
Happy Haunting!

Revisión del 04:38 28 oct 2021


Trick, or Treat? Before you answer, realize that this year, we have plenty of both in store! Explore the misty fairground in order to win prizes, candles, lights and lanterns.

"Visitor! Welcome one and all to the most spectacular place on Earth! I am the Ringmaster and you my guest are in for a big surprise.
Come this way…"

Halloween Questline

In this year's Halloween Event, your quest giver will be the Ringmaster. He will show you around the attractions and invite you to join him for a tour on his misty Fairground. This Halloween's questline will provide you with 30 rush quests, and then 21 additional quests, with one appearing each day.


You'll receive 30 rush quests, and then 21 quests, with one appearing each day. But quester beware, you're in for a scare!

Boo achievement.png

This year's Halloween season will let you explore a dark and frightening fairground tent. To uncover this tent, you will need to exchange fairground tickets for special tools in order to clear the fog that's hiding your path and some rare treasures.

The Fairground Tent

Upon opening the event window, you will see the misty tent filled with fog and circus travel cases. Make your way through it, cleaning the fog with the tools available: A candle, a flashlight and a lantern.

Halloween Window.png

Use the candle to clear a single fog tile at a time. A flashlight can be used on an empty tile to clear an entire column unless there is a suitcase in the way. A lantern clears all surrounding tiles, but like the flashlight, cannot clear suitcases, so use your tiles wisely!


By completing event quests, you will be rewarded with tickets that you can use to exchange in the event's Tool Shop, in order to get various different tools to help you clear away the fog and find prizes hidden underneath. Use them wisely, as each tool has a specific area of effect that helps you to make your way through the tent, where you'll find hidden Pumpkins that contain rewards of different values (including a chance to win the Daily Special), as well as coveted lightbulbs (collect enough of them to obtain the valuable Grand Prize). Watch out for Circus travel cases in the fog, as they will block your way in tent.


You can also find tickets in regular incidents around or in the outskirts of your city.

Getting more tools

You can find more tools in the tent itself, but there is also a way to exchange your tickets for more tools. Press the Link=-Button to open the Tool Shop. Here, you can either purchase single tools for your tickets or buy bundles that give you a better deal!


Toys Collection

With the introduction from last years event, you can once again collect multiple short questlines (creepy fairground toys) as rewards in the tent (there are an addition to the main questline), and at the end of each questline, a special reward should be granted to you. This also means that you'll be able to potentially work on multiple quests simultaneously.

Boo achievement.png

These toys can be found while advancing through the misty tent, and whenever you collect one of them, it will be available to activate in your Toy Collection window, which can be accessed in the main event window. You can activate simultaneously as many questlines you want, as long as they're not the same! When you finish one, a check-mark is shown next to that toy. You can find and collect more than one of each toy, and their chances of appearance may vary depending on their rareness.


Once every toy is found and solved, you can obtain a valuable Collector's Reward by clicking in the collect button on the right side of the reward.


Many different rewards await you on your way through the fairground tent, but they are hidden under the fog. To see them, you will need to clear it away. If they're still covered, you won't be able to see if the fog hides rewards.

As you uncover tiles, you will get the chance to unveil a Pumpkin, more tools (Flashlight, Candle and Lantern) to aid your progress, Avatars, Light bulbs, or Teddy bears. Hover your mouse over Pumpkins to find out what is on offer in each one. Once you've uncovered a reward fully, click on it to claim your prize. Be careful! Make sure you don't advance deeper into the fairground tent without uncovering the rewards you want. Once you go too far, there is no going back, and you'll lose sight of the reward.

Halloween icon grand prize.png Light bulbs are a special prize to uncover that will bring you closer to the Grand Prize reward. Once you reach 20 Light bulbs, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.
Halloween icon tool 1.pngHalloween icon tool 2.pngHalloween icon tool 3.png Tools can also be found under the fog. You can find all the tools of the event!
Reward icon halloween pumpkin 9.png Pumpkins come in a variety of different styles. Once uncovered, they will have a random reward for you and provide the chance to win the Daily Special. Tapping the pumpkin or hovering the mouse over it also reveals what it may contain.
Reward icon halloween avatar frame.png Avatars are available from previous Halloween Events and can also be uncovered on your journey.
Halloween icon books.png Teddy bears can also be revealed and collected, providing you with mini quests to complete. Solve one of every teddy bears questline to receive the collectors Reward.

Finally, there is one further thing you should always be on the lookout for - Daily Stickers. These can be spent in the Reward Calendar, which is completely new to this year's event! Each sticker is unique, and will open one of the 21 slots within the Calendar! Each one opening a unique reward!

Boo achievement.png

Halloween Event Rewards

The Horror Circus Set

The Horror Circus Set

Halloween Event Avatars

That is not all! Within the Daily Specials you can win event buildings from the previous event including - The House of Horrors, and The Abandoned Asylum

Lastly, as always, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by obtaining the following reward Avatars within the event. Two can be earned in the Quest line, one for completing the Reward Calendar, and the final for completing the Toy Quest lines!

Portrait 385.png
Portrait 386.png
Portrait 467.png
Portrait 468.png

Reward Calendar

It is also important to always be on the lookout for Daily Stickers. These can be spent in the Reward Calendar, which is completely new to the 2021 Halloween event! Each sticker is unique, and will open one of the 21 slots within the Calendar! Each one opening a unique reward!

Halloween sticker 1.png Halloween sticker 2.png Halloween sticker 3.png Halloween sticker 4.png Halloween sticker 6.png Halloween sticker 7.png Halloween sticker 8.png Halloween sticker 9.png Halloween sticker 10.png Halloween sticker 11.png

Reward Calendar screenshot.png

You are probably wondering what happens if you miss a day? While there are plenty of things to be afraid of within the Halloween event, missing a daily slot within the Reward Calendar is not one!

Joker Sticker Pieces can always be found throughout the event, as well as won in Daily Challenges. Once you have enough of them, you can piece them together, to make a full sticker and open a slot that was previously missed.

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These are key, as you will definitely not want to miss out on the reward for completing the Calendar! Within, are two selection kits, a unique avatar, and a host of other items!

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Event Hub Addition - Hellish Hangout

If you successfully complete the quests within the event, then you will be rewarded with the 'Hellish Hang-out.' Be assured, your enemies will be terrified of the 4-day 20% attacking boost for your defensive armies!

Happy Haunting!