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[[File:IG Artwork201804 Deliver 01 paintover 1000px.png|center|700px|link=]]<br><br>
<center><font color=#04B4AE>'' ¡Piratas, un tesoro y Ron! Este año regresamos a la Isla Forge para formar parte del festival de verano. ¡Disfruten emocionantes aventuras y encuentren un valioso tesoro!
<center><font color=#04B4AE>'' Summer is here, and we return to the Forge Island to take part in the annual Summer festival! So gather round lads and ladies and be prepared to participate in a pirate adventure!
[[File:allage_pirate_governor_large.png|left|300px|Governor|link=]]<br><br><br> __TOC__<br><br><br>
[[File:allage_pirate_governor_large.png|left|300px|Governor|link=]]<br><br><br> __TOC__<br><br><br>
==¿Cómo funciona el Evento de Verano?==
==How does the Summer Event work?==
Tan pronto como lleguen, escuchen al gobernador local, pues los agasajará con sus historias sobre el año pasado, y les ofrecerá la oportunidad de girar la misteriosa "Rueda de la Fortuna". ¡Denle un giro y vean que recompensas guarda para ustedes!
As soon as you arrive, listen to the local governor as he regales you with swashbuckling stories of the past year, and he will offer you a chance to take a spin on the mysterious 'Wheel of Fortune'. Give it a whirl and see what rewards it has in store for you!
Hay fabulosos premios que pueden ganar, y si no tuvieron la oportunidad de participar en alguno de nuestros eventos previos, ahora pueden competir contra sus vecinos para reclamar esos viejos items, así como los nuevos objetos de verano. Para jugar en la Rueda de la Fortuna, den clic en la barra superior izquierda que está en su pantalla:
There are awesome prizes to be won, and if you didn't have a chance to participate in our previous events, now you have an opportunity to compete with your neighbors to claim some of those old event items, as well as brand new Summer items. To board the Wheel of Fortune, click the bar in the top left corner of your screen:
Al abrir la ventana del evento verán la rueda así como los botones de “Girar” o “Actualiza y Gira”. Den click en “Girar” para probar suerte con los premios actualmente en la rueda o “Actualiza y Gira” para cambiar los premios en la rueda por un nuevo conjunto. No se preocupen si renuevan la rueda, obtendrán un premio una vez que se revele el nuevo conjunto. Recuerden que su vecindario comparte la rueda - cuando la renueven es renovada para todos (una renovación adicional se llevará a cabo cuando se hagan fusiones de vecindario).
Upon opening the event window, you will see the wheel, as well as the buttons to "spin" or "refresh & spin". Click "spin" to try your hand at the prizes currently on the wheel, or "refresh & spin" to clear the wheel for a new set of prizes! Don't worry, if you refresh the wheel, you still earn a prize after the new wheel is revealed. Remember that your neighborhood shares the wheel - when you refresh it, it's refreshed for everyone (an additional refresh will take place during a neighborhood merge). This also means when you grab a prize, it is gone for everyone! The most recent wins are displayed at the bottom of the window, so that you can keep an eye on who's winning which prize.
Esto también significa que cuando se llevan un premio este es eliminado para todos. Los ganadores más recientes son mostrados en la parte inferior de la ventana de modo que puedan estar enterados de quien ganó el premio.
[[File:WindowSum20.png|center|700px|link=|Wheel of Fortune]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_doubloons.png|45px|center|link=]]
[[File:700px-Event.png|center|700px|link=|Wheel of Fortune]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_doubloons.png|45px|center|link=]]
In order to spin the wheel, you first need to earn Doubloons which can be earned by completing Summer quests or finding them in regular incidents around, or in the outskirts of your city. You can also use Diamonds if you just can't resist waiting for the next spin! One spin costs one Doubloon, and results in one prize. Alternatively, you can "refresh and spin" to call up a whole new set of prizes for your neighborhood. No matter what you choose, you will always win a prize!
Para poder girar la rueda primero necesitan conseguir Doblones. Como se ha mencionado, pueden conseguirlos completando las misiones de verano o en incidentes regulares alrededor o en las afueras de sus ciudades. ¡Pueden usar Diamantes si no resisten la espera para el siguiente giro! Un giro cuesta un Doblón y resulta en un premio. Alternativamente, pueden "Actualizar y Girar" para conseguir un conjunto nuevo de premios para sus vecindarios. ¡No importa que escojan, siempre conseguirán un premio!
The prizes displayed in the wheel are available for every player in your neighborhood to claim. The prizes are random but, don't worry, every wheel has something special that can be won.
Los premios mostrados en la rueda están disponibles para todos los jugadores del vecindario. Los premios son al azar pero no se preocupen, todas las ruedas tienen algo especial para ganar.
The most special prizes can be won by just one lucky spinner - these are surrounded by a golden circle. The Governors Villa upgrade Kit and also the Selection Kits we offered last year will be available on some wheels. Common rewards can be obtained up to four times (you can see how many of each prize is left in the circle surrounding the image of the prize). If, for example, you win one of a specific prize where four are available, it is removed from the wheel and only three of them will remain for your neighbors to win. This goes on until all the prizes in the wheel run out, at which point the wheel is automatically refreshed with a new set of prizes.
Los premios más especiales pueden ganarse por solo un suertudo jugador - están señalados con un círculo dorado. El Kit de Mejora del Barco y los Kits de Selección que fueron ofrecidos el año pasado estarán disponibles en algunas ruedas. Junto con estos, hay un nuevo Kit de Selección para este año que permite seleccionar uno de los tres Puestos de Vigilancia, una pequeña decoración con habilidades especiales. Las recompensas comunes pueden ser obtenidas hasta 4 veces (puedes ver cuantos veces queda cada premio en el círculo que rodea la imagen del premio). Si por ejemplo ganan un premio de los que tienen cuatro disponibles, este es eliminado de la rueda y solo quedan tres disponibles para el vecindario. Esto sigue hasta que todos los premios de la rueda se acaban y de ser el caso, la rueda es actualizada automáticamente con un nuevo conjunto de premios.
In order to snag yourself the grand prize, you must set sail on a fantastic voyage! But how do you navigate the perilous seas, you ask? After every spin of the wheel, you will receive a compass! Use this compass to make your way across the map. Using a compass will randomly move your ship 1-3 spots on the map. Once you reach the end, X marks the spot, and you will be presented with the grand prize reward! The map will then be reset and you will be able to start once more on an epic new voyage.<br><br>
Como seguramente ya se dieron cuenta, el mapa mostrado a la derecha de la rueda es un poco diferente este año. ¡Para poder ganar el Gran Premio necesitan navegar en un viaje fantástico! ¿Pero cómo navegan los peligros del mar? Después de cada giro de la rueda, van a recibir un brújula. Usen estas brújulas para navegar a través del mapa. Usar una brújula les dará la posibilidad de mover su barco entre 1 y 3 posiciones en el mapa. Una vez que lleguen al final, la X marca el lugar y obtendrán el gran premio. El mapa entonces reiniciará y tendrán la oportunidad de iniciar un nuevo viaje épico.<br><br>
===Serie de misiones del Evento de Verano===
Para girar la rueda necesitan Doblones, que tanto el Gobernador, como la pirata local Jane estarán felices de proporcionarles... a cambio de completar sus tareas, claro.
[[File:Quests.png|center|Quest Overview|link=]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_doubloons.png|45px|center|link=]]
Pueden realizar las primeras 34 misiones inmediatamente. Una vez que las hayan completado, recibirán una misión adicional por día, por el resto del evento. Probablemente tendrán algunas acumuladas cuando lleguen a ellas, pues comienzan a acumularse desde el primer día.

==Recompensas del Evento de Verano==
===Summer Event Questline===
Además de algunos items de eventos anteriores, por supuesto, también tenemos nuevas recompensas; El Nido de Cuervo, tres Puestos de Vigilancia y avatares especiales de verano.
To spin the wheel you need Doubloons, which both the Governor, as well as the local pirate Jane will be happy to provide you with... in exchange for completing tasks, of course.
===El Nido de Cuervo===
[[File:Summer Quests20.png|center|Quest Overview|link=]]<br>[[File:Reward_icon_doubloons.png|45px|center|link=]]
El premio principal de este año es "El Nido de Cuervo", ¡un faro mejorable de 8 niveles! Este edificio no se puede motivar ni saquear, y dependiendo de su nivel, puede proporcionar monedas, suministros, medallas, Puntos Forge, bienes e incluso Diamantes (por favor tengan en cuenta que las probabilidades no son las mismas).
You can go through the first 34 quests immediately. Once you've completed them, you will receive one additional quest per day, for the remainder of the event. You will probably have a few of them stacked when you get to them, as they start stacking up on day one.
==Summer Event Rewards==
In addition to some older event items, we of course also have a brand new reward: The Governor's Villa (an upgradable building with 9 levels as well as some special new summer avatars.
=== Governor's Villa ===
This year's main prize is the "Governor's Villa", an upgradable residential building with 9 levels! The Governor's Villa will provide Coins, Population, and Happiness as base productions, besides an Attack Boost for your attacking army. When motivated, the Governor's Villa will also generate Goods of your current age and additional units every day (please keep in mind that this building can be plundered, if not motivated).
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19a.png}}<br>[[El Nido de Cuervo - Nv. 1]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20a.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 1]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19b.png}}<br>[[El Nido de Cuervo - Nv. 2]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20b.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 2]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19c.png}}<br>[[El Nido de Cuervo - Nv. 3]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20c.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 3]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19d.png}}<br>[[El Nido de Cuervo - Nv. 4]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20d.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 4]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20e.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 5]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20f.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 6]]<br>
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20g.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 7]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20h.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 8]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foezz.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus20i.png}}<br>[[Governor's Villa - Lv. 9]]<br>
A Level 1 Governor's Villa can be found as one of the first rewards of the questline and can then be upgraded using Governor's Villa Upgrade Kit [[File:MultiAge governor's villa.png|35px]] which can be won in the questline and the main event window.
===Previous summer event buildings ===
During the event you can also win rewards from the previous summer events on the Wheel of Fortune. This includes:
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|- style="vertical-align:bottom;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19e.png}}<br>[[El Nido de Cuervo - Nv. 5]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:selection_kit_guard_post.png|150px|Guard Post Selection Kit|center|link=]]<br>[[Guard Post selection kit]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19f.png}}<br>[[El Nido de Cuervo - Nv. 6]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Selection kit crows nest.png|150px|The Crow's nest Selection Kit|center|link=]]<br>[[The Crow's nest Selection Kit]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19g.png}}<br>[[El Nido de Cuervo - Nv. 7]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| [[File:Selection kit the ship.png|150px|The Ship selection kit|center|link=]]<br>[[The Ship selection kit]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19h.png}}<br>[[El Nido de Cuervo - Nv. 8]]<br>

Un Nido de Cuervo nivel 1 se puede encontrar como una de las primeras recompensas de la serie de misiones, y puede ser mejorado utilizando los kits de mejora, que se pueden ganar en la serie de misiones y en la ventana principal del evento.

===Kits de selección del Puesto de Vigilancia===
Durante el Evento, también pueden ganar los kits de selección del Puesto de Vigilancia en la rueda de la fortuna. Si ganan uno de ellos, lo pueden usar en su inventario y seleccionar uno de los Puestos de Vigilancia mostrados.<br><br>
[[File:150px-Selection_kit_guard_post.png|150px|Guard Post Selection Kit|center|link=]]<br>
Hay tres tipos diferentes de Puestos de Vigilancia:
{|style="width:85%; margin: auto;style="height:100px; text-align:center;"
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19Trader.png}}<br>[[Puesto de Vigilancia Comerciante]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19Pirate.png}}<br>[[Puesto de Vigilancia Pirata]]<br>
|style="text-align:center;"| {{sized-external-image|200px|https://foemx.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_SummerBonus19Royal.png}}<br>[[Puesto de Vigilancia Real]]<br>

===Avatares de Verano===
===Summer Avatars===
Estos avatares están disponibles durante el Evento de Verano. Pueden obtenerlos resolviendo misiones.<br><br>
These Avatars are available during the Summer Event. You can get them for solving quests.<br><br>
[[File:SummerPortraits New3.png|center|link=]]

===Otras Recompensas===
===Other Rewards===
Como lo mencionamos más arriba, El Nido de Cuervo es el nuevo Gran Premio. Sin embargo, aún pueden obtener El Barco y sus kits de mejora del evento del año pasado como recompensas raras en la rueda. ¡Chequen nuestra página sobre el [[Evento de Verano 2018|evento del año pasado]] para ver los detalles de El Barco!
As mentioned above, The Governor's villa is the new Grand Prize. Nevertheless, you can still obtain upgrade kits from the previous year's event as rare rewards on the wheel. Check out [[Summer Event 2018|Summer 2018]] and [[Summer Event 2019|Summer 2019]] to see details of these!

Revisión del 21:29 27 jul 2020

Summer LS.png
Summer is here, and we return to the Forge Island to take part in the annual Summer festival! So gather round lads and ladies and be prepared to participate in a pirate adventure!


How does the Summer Event work?

As soon as you arrive, listen to the local governor as he regales you with swashbuckling stories of the past year, and he will offer you a chance to take a spin on the mysterious 'Wheel of Fortune'. Give it a whirl and see what rewards it has in store for you!

There are awesome prizes to be won, and if you didn't have a chance to participate in our previous events, now you have an opportunity to compete with your neighbors to claim some of those old event items, as well as brand new Summer items. To board the Wheel of Fortune, click the bar in the top left corner of your screen:

Summer18 hudelement.png

Upon opening the event window, you will see the wheel, as well as the buttons to "spin" or "refresh & spin". Click "spin" to try your hand at the prizes currently on the wheel, or "refresh & spin" to clear the wheel for a new set of prizes! Don't worry, if you refresh the wheel, you still earn a prize after the new wheel is revealed. Remember that your neighborhood shares the wheel - when you refresh it, it's refreshed for everyone (an additional refresh will take place during a neighborhood merge). This also means when you grab a prize, it is gone for everyone! The most recent wins are displayed at the bottom of the window, so that you can keep an eye on who's winning which prize.

Wheel of Fortune

Reward icon doubloons.png

In order to spin the wheel, you first need to earn Doubloons which can be earned by completing Summer quests or finding them in regular incidents around, or in the outskirts of your city. You can also use Diamonds if you just can't resist waiting for the next spin! One spin costs one Doubloon, and results in one prize. Alternatively, you can "refresh and spin" to call up a whole new set of prizes for your neighborhood. No matter what you choose, you will always win a prize!

The prizes displayed in the wheel are available for every player in your neighborhood to claim. The prizes are random but, don't worry, every wheel has something special that can be won.

The most special prizes can be won by just one lucky spinner - these are surrounded by a golden circle. The Governors Villa upgrade Kit and also the Selection Kits we offered last year will be available on some wheels. Common rewards can be obtained up to four times (you can see how many of each prize is left in the circle surrounding the image of the prize). If, for example, you win one of a specific prize where four are available, it is removed from the wheel and only three of them will remain for your neighbors to win. This goes on until all the prizes in the wheel run out, at which point the wheel is automatically refreshed with a new set of prizes.

In order to snag yourself the grand prize, you must set sail on a fantastic voyage! But how do you navigate the perilous seas, you ask? After every spin of the wheel, you will receive a compass! Use this compass to make your way across the map. Using a compass will randomly move your ship 1-3 spots on the map. Once you reach the end, X marks the spot, and you will be presented with the grand prize reward! The map will then be reset and you will be able to start once more on an epic new voyage.

Reward icon doubloons.png

Summer Event Questline

To spin the wheel you need Doubloons, which both the Governor, as well as the local pirate Jane will be happy to provide you with... in exchange for completing tasks, of course.

Quest Overview

Reward icon doubloons.png

You can go through the first 34 quests immediately. Once you've completed them, you will receive one additional quest per day, for the remainder of the event. You will probably have a few of them stacked when you get to them, as they start stacking up on day one.

Summer Event Rewards

In addition to some older event items, we of course also have a brand new reward: The Governor's Villa (an upgradable building with 9 levels as well as some special new summer avatars.

Governor's Villa

This year's main prize is the "Governor's Villa", an upgradable residential building with 9 levels! The Governor's Villa will provide Coins, Population, and Happiness as base productions, besides an Attack Boost for your attacking army. When motivated, the Governor's Villa will also generate Goods of your current age and additional units every day (please keep in mind that this building can be plundered, if not motivated).

Governor's Villa - Lv. 1

Governor's Villa - Lv. 2

Governor's Villa - Lv. 3

Governor's Villa - Lv. 4

Governor's Villa - Lv. 5

Governor's Villa - Lv. 6

Governor's Villa - Lv. 7

Governor's Villa - Lv. 8

Governor's Villa - Lv. 9

A Level 1 Governor's Villa can be found as one of the first rewards of the questline and can then be upgraded using Governor's Villa Upgrade Kit MultiAge governor's villa.png which can be won in the questline and the main event window.

Previous summer event buildings

During the event you can also win rewards from the previous summer events on the Wheel of Fortune. This includes:

Guard Post selection kit
The Crow's nest Selection Kit

The Crow's nest Selection Kit
The Ship selection kit

The Ship selection kit

Reward icon doubloons.png

Summer Avatars

These Avatars are available during the Summer Event. You can get them for solving quests.

Reward icon doubloons.png

Other Rewards

As mentioned above, The Governor's villa is the new Grand Prize. Nevertheless, you can still obtain upgrade kits from the previous year's event as rare rewards on the wheel. Check out Summer 2018 and Summer 2019 to see details of these!