Evento de Otoño

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FALL A Loading Screen 1 700Px.png
Welcome back to the great Fall Bake Off! Once again you'll have the chance to amaze the Jury with your baking skills and compete against the other players in your world.

Ms. Appleton

How can I participate in the Fall Event?

Much like last year's event, you take part in a baking contest. Collect all the ingredients needed and bake as many delectable recipes as possible! In addition to a new upgradable September Cottage, you'll have the opportunity to win prizes from previous years.

You can collect Ingredients by completing quests in the Fall Event questline. You can earn additional Ingredients from logging in daily, and also have the chance to earn even more Ingredients in your Daily Challenge and from Incidents around your city.


Once you open the event overview, select one item to bake. Depending on the type of cake you choose to bake, you will need different ingredients, and a more difficult bake requires more ingredients. The rewards you can receive from each type of bake may influence your decision. Hover over a recipe before selecting it to see what you can win!


Fall ingredient apples 40px (1).png

The ingredients

Along the top of the event window, you will see five ingredients and the amounts of each you have in stock:

Fall event overview1.png

Ingredients Available:

Fall currency apple.png Apples Fall currency caramel.png Caramel Fall currency chocolate.png Chocolate Fall currency cinnamon.png Cinnamon Fall currency pumpkin.png Pumpkins

For each bake, you need between 1 and 3 different ingredients. The more difficult the bake, the more ingredients a cake needs, resulting in better rewards and more stars awarded for your efforts.

Grand prize1.png

Stars will be added to your Grand Prize progress bar, where you can also admire the goods you have already baked.

Fall Grand prize.png

You can get ingredients from:

  • Completing Fall Event quests
  • From a daily collection quest
  • As random rewards from Desafíos Diarios and Incidentes
  • For Diamonds in the resources shop

Once you have filled the table with tasty treats, you will win a Grand Prize.
Each Grand Prize you receive for your baking skills will increase your experience and will be added to the Baking League. Depending on how many Grand Prizes you achieved, you will also advance in the League.
In order to view your progress in the League, open the League overview in the top left of the event window:

Fall event overview6.png

Your player portrait will be displayed underneath your current rank along with the amount of League fall star.png Stars you already collected.


With the exception of the Hobby League, every other league has a certain limit of players. As more players earn more League fall star.png Stars, then the amount will go up. If you're close to the edge of a league, you may slip down a league if you are not keeping up with your baking!

Example: The range of the Professional is between 15 and 36 League fall star.png Stars and you collected exactly 15 League fall star.png Stars, then you're a Professional.
Sometime later, you will find more than 5% of the whole player base of the same world also reached at least 15 League fall star.png Stars. Therefore the needed amount of League fall star.png Stars goes up to 16 and you fall down to the Apprentice League.
To avoid this from happening, check your rank regularly and collect more League fall star.png Stars by baking in order to stay in your League.

Fall ingredient caramel 40px.png

League Rewards

Every rank in the League System offers you different rewards in the Fall Event. The rewards will only be given at the end of the Fall Event.

Hobby Reward
Hobby League
Trainee Reward
Trainee League
Apprentice Reward
Apprentice League
Small fp.png 10 Puntos Forge
Small fp.png 20 Puntos Forge
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Small fp.png 50 Puntos Forge
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Upgrade kit september cottage.png1 September
Cottage Upgrade Kit
Professional Reward
Professional League
Small fp.png 100 Puntos Forge
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

Upgrade kit september cottage.png Upgrade kit september cottage.png 2 September Cottage Upgrade Kits

Star Baker Reward
Star Baker League
Small fp.png 200 Puntos Forge
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Upgrade kit september cottage.png Upgrade kit september cottage.png 2 September Cottage Upgrade Kits
Shrine of Knowledge.png 1 Santuario del Conocimiento
Portrait 337.png 1 Avatar

Fall ingredient chocolate 40px.png

Serie de Misiones del Evento de Otoño

Complete quests in the Fall Event questline to win more ingredients and additional prizes along the way!
In the Fall Event, you have a total of 75 quests, which may seem like a lot, however, they are divided into two almost parallel questlines and a daily questline.


You will have 54 rush quests available to you immediately, and one quest for every day of the event, giving a total of 75 quests. As last year, there will be 2 rush questlines which run parallel to one another. The second questline will begin after you have completed some of the first quests. The daily quests will stack, so you will probably have a few of them waiting for you when you're done with the initial quests.
Ms. Appleton will also give you some free ingredients if you come back every day.

Fall ingredient cinnamon 40px.png

Edificios de Otoño

Cabaña de Septiembre

La Cabaña de Septiembre es un edificio especial mejorable que puedes obtener durante el Evento de Otoño. Una vez que has construido la Cabaña de Septiembre nivel 1 (que recibirás en la serie de misiones del evento), ¡tendrás la oportunidad de mejorarla hasta el nivel 7! Para hacerlo, debes avanzar a través de la serie de misiones y obtener algunos Upgrade kit september cottage.png kits de mejora. También puedes ganar los Upgrade kit september cottage.png kits de mejora horneando delicias en el Evento de Otoño.


Cabaña de Septiembre - Nvl. 1

Cabaña de Septiembre - Nvl. 2

Cabaña de Septiembre - Nvl. 3

Cabaña de Septiembre - Nvl. 4

Cabaña de Septiembre - Nvl. 5

Cabaña de Septiembre - Nvl. 6

Fall ingredient pumpkins 40px.png

Mejorar la Cabaña de Septiembre al nivel 7

Si mejoras la Cabaña de Septiembre del nivel 6 al nivel 7, deberás elegir entre 3 opciones diferentes. ¡Pero elige sabiamente! Una vez que mejoras tu Cabaña de Septiembre al nivel 7, no puedes revertir tu elección.

Cabaña de Septiembre - Nvl. 6
La mejora de la Cabaña de Septiembre Upgrade kit september cottage.png necesaria para mejorar a 1 de 3 otras cabañas
Summer18 upgradeship arrowsx.png

Cabaña de Estanques

Cabaña del Manzanar

Cabaña Florida
Icon population.png
Icon population.png
Icon population.png
Si está motivada
Icon coins.png
Icon coins.png
Icon coins.png
Icon supplies.png
Icon supplies.png
Icon supplies.png
Small fp.png
Small fp.png
Small fp.png
Small goods.png
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Fábrica de Sidra Floreciente

¡Y por supuesto eso no es todo! También tienes la oportunidad de ganar la Fábrica de Sidra de eventos de años pasados, y hemos introducido un nuevo nivel, la Fábrica de Sidra Floreciente


Fábrica de Sidra Floreciente

Fall ingredient apples 40px (1).png

Avatares de Otoño

Estos avatares están disponibles durante el Evento de Otoño. Puedes obtenerlos resolviendo misiones o como recompensa de Estrella Pastelera en el sistema de La Liga.

Mrs Baker Doña Pastelera Luca Luca Winner Couple Pareja ganadora

Fall ingredient caramel 40px.png