Edad de Bronce a Colonial

De Forge of Empires - Wiki MX
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Edad de Bronce Edad de Hierro AEM/PrEM PEM BEM/FEM Edad Colonial
Torre BA tower.png IA tower.png EMA tower.png HMA tower.png LMA tower.png Col tower.png
1.Small medal.png 10 25 50 100 175 300
2.Small medal.png 5 15 25 50 125 150
3.Small medal.png 3 8 15 25 75 80
4.Small medal.png 2 4 8 15 50 60
5.Small medal.png 1 2 4 8 40 50
6.Small medal.png 4 30 40
7.Small medal.png 20 30
8.Small medal.png 10 20
9.Small medal.png 5 10
10.Small medal.png
Volver Industrial to Contemporary Era Tomorrow to Arctic Future Era