Evento de Primavera 2020

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Todo el mundo está más que contento con la estación de los cerezos en flor. El aire está lleno de la delicada fragancia de los cerezos en flor y es un gran momento para decir adiós al frío de la estación invernal y abrazar la primavera.

En el Evento de Primavera de este año, pueden encontrar cinco edificios del Jardín de los Cerezos. ¡Al construirlos uno junto al otro desbloquearán su verdadero potencial! Cada uno de ellos se vuelve más poderoso al ser parte del Jardín de los Cerezos.

Entre más edificios únicos construyas uno junto al otro, ¡mayor será la bonificación! Trata de ganarlos todos en el Evento de Primavera de este año.

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During the event, a new resource will be added to the game: Spring Lanterns! Win them by solving quests and collecting cherry trees outside of your city. You can also collect Spring Lanterns from your Town Hall once a day and of course with Diamonds!

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Every time you open a chest or complete an event quest, a new tree will spawn. The amount of Lanterns you will get from each tree is random and ranges from one to ten. Naturally, trees with a single Lantern will be the most common ones, and you have to be lucky to get ten!

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The Lanterns can be traded for chests. There are three of them: bronze, silver and gold. Each of them contains different rewards and you have to pay with Lanterns to get one of them! There is also a daily special prize and the Chests will include a certain chance to win it. Every time you open a chest you win Cherry Blossoms, which will give you the opportunity to win an extra Grand Prize.

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As always, in addition to the items that already exist in the game, there are completely new items available for you to get!

Estanque Nishikigoi

Icon cherry garden.png

The new buildings all look nice, but they will look even nicer when you put them together:


Five of the six new buildings are marked with a Icon cherry garden.png - Part of the Cherry Garden set indicator. If you group them together (Pagoda is a standalone building and is not a part of the set) you will get certain additional bonuses!
That's because all the five buildings visible above have a "Set" building skill. When a building with a set bonus is built right next to another (different) building from that specific set, it gets a bonus. For example: Zen Zone normally produces only coins, but when it touches other buildings from the Cherry Garden set it will:

1.Produce additional supplies (when touching at least one).
2.Produce additional goods (when touching at least two unique buildings).
3. Produce additional medals (when touching at least three unique buildings).

The bonuses add up, so when touching two other buildings, you get bonus for both 1 and 2. Detailed amounts will be shown in tooltips, when hovering over the new buildings. We hope you will like this new twist to the city development mechanics!

Icon cherry garden.png