Expansiones Vikingas

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In the Viking Cultural Settlement, viking expansions can be purchased with cultural goods or Diamonds. You can select what cultural good you would like to pay for any expansion and only one of the goods is needed per expansion.

# Bienes Culturales Diamantes
Fine axes.png Fine mead.png Fine horns.png Fine wool.png Icon diamonds.png
1 1 1 1 1 500
2 5 1 1 1 500
3 12 1 1 1 500
4 21 5 1 1 500
5 32 12 1 1
6 41 21 5 1
7 48 32 12 1
8 55 41 21 5
9 62 48 32 12
10 69 55 41 21
11 76 62 48 32
12 82 69 55 41
13 89 76 62 48
14 96 82 69 55
15 103 89 76 62
16 110 96 82 69