El Centro de Eventos

De Forge of Empires - Wiki MX
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Event Hub Pier.jpg

"¿Alguna vez quisite darle seguimiento a tu progreso en diferentes eventos en Forge? Asi como
ganar premios adicionales por completar misiones en un evento?

¿Qué es el Centro de Eventos?

The Grand Pier.PNG

The Event Hub is an off-grid building which is divided into different slots - each one dedicated to a different event. By clicking on the dedicated Event Slot, you can see your progress in the Event, and the relevant rewards for completing the Event. By completing quests within the Event, you can unlock a cosmetic Event slot upgrade - which will allow you bragging rights as you continue to improve the overall appearance of the Event Hub - and a booster!

Where can I find the Event Hub?

The event hub can be found off-grid on the left side of your town.


Event hub buildings


CUP21 logo.png

FoE Soccer Cup


150% production boost for 5 days
Wildlife Forge Banner.png

Wildlife Event

Visitors Centre.png

Visitor Centre

boost for your attacking armies!

Summer Event 2021 Banner.png

Summer Event 2021

V SS AllAge EventHub21AdditionC.png

Tropical Cafe
3 day
20% defensive boost
for your attacking armies!