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Explora la polvosa librería para ganar premios, pociones y libros
Death Druid

Serie de Misiones de Halloween

En el evento de este año, un Druida Muerto buscará su ayuda para reavivar historias antiguas. Escuchen con atención mientras les cuenta oscuras historias, llevándolos en la terrorífica serie de misiones de este año. Con la ayuda del viejo bibliotecario, ella les ofrecerá 52 misiones en total.


Recibirán 30 misiones de prisa, y después, 22 misiones que aparecerán una cada día. Misioneros, ¡aguas con los sustos!

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En la temporada de Halloween de este año, hemos transformado la esquelética serie de misiones de los años pasados, en un evento monstruoso. Una vieja y polvosa biblioteca has sido descubierta, así que esta vez necesitarán intercambiar dulces por herramientas especiales para poder deshacerse de las molestas telarañas que bloquearán su camino hacia la búsqueda de raros tesoros.

La Biblioteca

Upon opening the event window, you will see the dusty library filled with bookshelves and cobwebs. Make your way through it, cleaning the cobwebs with the tools available on the left side of your event screen: A wand, a broomstick, and a cauldron.


Use the wand to clear a single cobweb tile at a time. A broomstick can be used on an empty tile to clear an entire column unless there is a bookshelf in the way. A cauldron clears all surrounding tiles, but like the broomstick, cannot clear bookshelves, so use your tools wisely!

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Trick or Treat isn’t the only way to earn candies at Halloween! Complete event quests and you will be rewarded with candies that you can use to exchange in the Witch’s Shop, in order to get more tools to help you to uncover hidden prizes. Use them wisely, as each tool has a specific area of effect that helps you to make your way through the library, where you'll find hidden Pumpkins that contain rewards of different values, as well as coveted Potion Vials.


You can also find candies in regular incidents around or in the outskirts of your city.

Obtener más herramientas

You can find more tools in the library itself, but there is also a way to exchange your candies for more tools. Press the Link=-Button to open the Tool Shop. Here, you can either purchase single tools for your candies or buy bundles that give you a better deal!



For the first time in an event, you will now collect multiple short questlines (books) as rewards within the tile mini-game (these are in addition to the conventional questline), and at the end of each questline, a special reward should be granted to you. This also means that you'll be able to potentially work on multiple quests simultaneously.

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These Storybooks can be found while advancing through the lost library, and whenever you collect one of them, it will be available to activate in your library, which can be accessed in the main event window. You can activate simultaneously as many questlines you want, as long as they're not the same! When you finish one, a check-mark is shown next to that book. You can find and collect more than one of each book, and their chance of appearance may vary depending on their rareness (there are regular, silver and golden books).


Many different rewards await you on your way through the library, but they are hidden behind cobwebs. To see them, you will need to dust them away. If they're still covered, you won't be able to see if a cobweb hides rewards.

As you uncover tiles, you will be in with a chance to unveil a Pumpkin, more tools (Wands, Broomsticks and Cauldrons) to aid your progress, Avatars, Potion Vials, or Books. Hover your mouse over Pumpkins to find out what is on offer in each one. Once you've uncovered a reward fully, click on it to claim your prize. Be careful! Make sure you don't advance deeper into the library without uncovering the rewards you want. Once you go too far, there is no going back, and you'll lose sight of the reward.

Halloween potion.png Potion Vials are a special prize to uncover that will bring you closer to the Grand Prize reward. Once you reach 20 Potion Vials, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.
Tools.png Tools can also be found among the cobwebs. You can find all the tools of the event!
Reward icon halloween pumpkin 9.png Pumpkins come in a variety of different styles. Once uncovered, they will have a random reward for you and provide the chance to win the Daily Special. Tapping the pumpkin or hovering the mouse over it also reveals what it may contain.
Reward icon halloween avatar frame.png Avatars are available from previous Halloween Events and can also be uncovered on your journey.
Allage book gold 1.png Books can also be revealed and collected, providing you with mini quests to complete. Solve one of every book's questline to receive the Librarian Reward.

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Recompensas del Evento de Halloween

El Asilo

Este Halloween, pueden ganar un Asilo Abandonado mejorable. El Asilo Abandonado es un edificio mejorable con 9 niveles que pueden ser desbloqueados. En el nivel 9, este edificio residencial produce monedas, da población, así como bienes, Puntos Forge y bonificación de ataque.

Upgrade kit abandoned asylum.png Para subir el Asilo Abandonado, tienen que usar el kit de mejora del Asilo Abandonado. Estos kits se pueden obtener en la serie de misiones de Halloween y como uno de los Grandes Premios ofertados.

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 1

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 2

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 3

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 4

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 5

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 6

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 7

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 8

Asilo Abandonado - Nv. 9

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Avatares del Evento de Halloween

Hay dos nuevos avatares que pueden obtener durante la serie de misiones del Evento de Halloween.

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¡Pongan atención Forjadores! En este evento, podrán encontrar en ocasiones avatares de eventos pasados escondidos en la Biblioteca


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¡Y eso no es todo! Si perdieron la oportunidad de participar en los eventos de años pasados, ahora tendrán la oportunidad de obtener algunos items de esos eventos: la Torre Embrujada, el Portal Oscuro, El Laboratorio del Científico Loco y el Cementerio: HAL-ExRewards.png

¡Que se divertan!

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