Evento del Día de San Patricio - Comenzando

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Tutorial 1a.png

Cuando ingresan al mini-juego por primera vez, verán una fábrica, la Fábrica de Sombreros en la parte este de la ciudad. ¡El primer paso para preparar su ciudad para el Evento del Día de San Patricio es comenzar la producción de sombreros!

Center Now click to add the goods to the factory stockpile
Click the shipyard to send the ship to move your goods to the festival. The ship will now transport your goods from the factory stockpile to the festival stockpile.
Center Now click the festival to sell your goods from the festival stock
Upgrade your factory to level 2 by spending Shamrocks and increase your production.
Center Hire a manager to automate and boost your production
Manager administration window.
Center Now click on the task bar to collect your first completed task and gain progress towards the grand prize.