Edad Espacial Cinturón de Asteroides.

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Techtree age space age asteroid belt.png SAAB Logo.png

Welcome to Space Age: Asteroid Belt!

The Earth is still our planet, but the population keeps growing and growing, as does the urge for even more resources. Based on known terrestrial reserves, key elements for modern industry and food production could be exhausted on Earth within 50 to 60 years. Having explored Mars, we already have our first footprints in the Solar System, so now The Asteroid Belt is the ideal place for Mankind to get the needed resources to survive and keep going further.

En un vistazo

Space Age Asteroid Field
The Town Hall of the Space Age Asteroid Field
Technologies 25 Tech icon.png
Forge Points 11 295 Bazaar 5.png
Coins 365 000 000 Bazaar 1.png
Supplies 355 000 000 Bazaar 0.png
Goods 63 670 Bazaar 4.png
Space Age Asteroid Field
Spaceport of the Space Age Asteroid Field
  • Your own Asteroid colony to manage!
  • 50 main story line quests
  • 45 side quests
  • 15 recurring quests
  • 9 new Avatars
  • 7 new expansions (3 new diamond expansions, 1 new campaign, 2 new research expansions, 1 victory expansion).
  • 25 new technologies to research
  • 2 new residential buildings
  • 5 new military buildings with 5 new units
  • 6 Goods Buildings - Synthesizers
  • 2 new workshop buildings
  • 2 new culture buildings
  • 1 new decoration
  • 2 new streets
  • 1 new Great Building


Edificios de la ciudad principal

Grandes Edificios

Transportador Espacial Bonificaciones

Edificios Residenciales

Space Age Asteroid Belt Residential Buildings

Edificios de Producción

Space Age Asteroid Belt Production Buildings

Edificios Culturales

Space Age Asteroid Belt Cultural Buildings


Space Age Asteroid Belt Decorations

Edificios de la Ciudad de Asteroides


Space Age Asteroid Belt Units