Edificios de Set y de Cadena

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Set Buildings

Set buildings are special buildings that gain additional bonuses when placed next to another different building from the same set. Buildings that belong to a set are identifiable by the set icon which is displayed in the players inventory next to the buildings picture. In the inventory each set building also has a button for more information which opens a window with full set overview.

How do building sets work?

Each set building has a bonus on it's own. Being placed next to other set buildings of their kind, additional bonuses per building are added.

It's important, that the buildings of the same set are adjacent to each other. Combining set buildings of different sets will not grant additional bonuses; i.e. if you combine Icon set indian palace.png Indian Palace Set with the Icon set indian fountain.png Indian Fountain Set, you will not get extra bonuses.

Example: In order to get the bonus for 3 buidings for different buildings of the same set, they need to be adjacent to each other.


3 set buildings are directly connected to the Maharaja's Palace, but only 2 of them are from the Icon set indian palace.png Indian Palace Set. The third one is from another set, the Icon set indian fountain.png Indian Fountain Set. Therefore the bonus is only granted for 2 buildings.

3 other, different set buildings of the same set, the Icon set indian palace.png Indian Palace Set are adjacent to the Maharaja's Palace. Therefore the bonus for 3 additional buildings was granted.

In order to know, which buildings belongs to which set, just look up the details of the building in the inventory or in the city. It is either directly mentioned to which set they belong, or marked with the building set icon, which is unique to each set.

Things to keep in mind:

  • The bonus is only granted, if buildings of the same set are placed next to each other
  • The bonus is only granted, if different buildings of the same set are placed next to each other
  • The bonus is only granted, if each building is adjacent to the other set buildings
  • If the set buildings are torn apart, the timer of those buildings will be reset (not if moved in Reconstruction Mode)

Chain Buildings

Chain Buildings are similar to Set Buildings in that bonus(es) of the buildings are increased by the addition of other buildings. In contrast, set buildings only regard direct neighbors while chain buildings regard connected buildings no matter the distance to the base building as long as they are correctly aligned.

How do building chains work?

By chaining selected buildings to the base building, the base building's production and/or bonuses are increased. The buildings have to be correctly aligned for the chain bonus to take effect. Spaces between the additional buildings break the chain.

If there is more than one building that may be connected to the base building for a proper chain, the additional buildings can be attached in any order.

Example: In order to get the bonus for 3 chain buildings of the same chain, they need to be adjacent to each other.


3 chain buildings are directly connected to the Winter Train, but they are not correctly aligned. Therefore the bonus is only granted for 1 building.

3 chain buildings od the same chain are correctly aligned, they are all lined up. Therefore the bonus for 3 additional buildings was granted.

Things to keep in mind:

  • The bonus is only granted, if buildings of the same chain are placed next to each other
  • Unlike set buildings, you can use the same chain buildings from the same chain
  • The bonus is only granted, if chain buildings are correctly aligned
  • If the chain buildings are torn apart, the timer of those buildings will be reset (not if moved in Reconstruction Mode)

Set and Chain Buildings in the game

Below is a table of the sets and chains currently in the game

Icon cherry garden.png Cherry Garden Set
Archivo:Iconwinter train.png Winter Train
Icon royal building.png Royal Garden Set
Royal garden.png
hippodrome.png Hippodrome
Icon set indian palace.png Indian Palace Set
Indian palace.png
Terracotta vineyard.png Terracotta Vineyard
Icon set indian fountain.png Indian Fountain Set
Indian fountain set.png
pirates_hideout.png Pirate's Hideout
Icon set winter village.png Winter Village Set
Winter event buildings 2017.png
chain_mughals-9e418c18a.png Mughal Empire Chain
Classical garden.png Classical Garden
Classical garden set.png
Guild battlegrounds road to victorychainicon.png The Statue of Honor and Road to Victory
Piazza.png Piazza Set
CARNIVAL B Loading Screen 900.png
guild_battlegrounds_iridescent_garden.png The Great Elephant and Iridescent Garden
CelticForestSet.png Celtic Forest
gentiana_windmill.png Windmill Farm
Upgrade icon fall harvest barn 25px.png Harvest Farm
winter_bakery-b557dde38.png Winter Bakery Set
Icon horror circus.png Horror Circus Set
Reward icon cop mughals set.png Mughal Empire Set
Grand monarchs.png Grand Monarchs Set
Butterfly sanctuaryicon.png Butterfly Sanctuary